Configuring NT Authentication for Unified CC
Configuring NT Authentication for Unified CC
You must complete the following steps after you install WFM and before you start using WFM to administer users.
■Step 1. Creating WFM Users for the Unified CCX Database (page 43)
■Step 2. Configuring WFM Services to Run As the New User (page 45)
■Step 3. Granting the New User Access to the Unified CCX Database (page 46)
■Step 4. Verifying the Database Connection (page 47)
Step 1. Creating WFM Users for the Unified CCX
On both the WFM server and the Unified CCX server, create Windows logins that WFM can use to connect to the Unified CCX database.
NOTE: The Unified CCX server cannot be on a domain.
NOTE: The WFM user must also have write access to the folder
C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_WFM\log on the WFM server so the
WFM services can write to log files in the directory.
NOTE: The following procedure is written assuming that the
Unified CCX server is running Windows Server 2003.
To create WFM users for the Unified CCX database:
1.On the WFM server, create a new user by completing the following steps.
a.From the Start Menu, choose Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
b.Expand Local Users and Groups.
c.Enter a user name and password.
d.Clear the User Must Change Password at Next Logon check box and select the Password Never Expires check box.
e.Click Create, then Close. The new user is added to the list of users.
2.On the WFM server, add the new user to the Administrator group by completing the following steps.
October 2007 | 43 |