DSL Card Configuration
Table 6-5. IP Router Options (3 of 4)
IP Router Filters (IP Filter Configuration) | |
Gives the user the ability to build name sets of filter rules. A filter is a rule (or set of rules) that is applied to a specific interface to indicate whether a packet can be forwarded or discarded. You can add, edit, or delete router filter rules within a named set.
A filter works by successively applying the rules to the information obtained from the packet header until a match is found. The filter then performs the action specified by the rule on that packet, which can be forwarded, discarded, or both.
Rules apply to the source and destination ports going to the
On the DSL card, a maximum of 8 filters can be configured.
For additional information on IP Router filters, see Chapter 7, IP Filtering, of the HotWire DSLAM for 8540 and 8546 DSL Cards Network Configuration Guide.
Action ± Add/Delete/Edit.
Filter Name ± Up to 16 characters (optional).
Default Filter Action ± Discard (Packet)/Forward (Packet).
Rule # ± Up to 33 rules can be configured for each filter. This number is automatically assigned.
#of Rules ± Number of rules that apply to this port.
Source Address ± nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format. This field is read only for dynamic filers.
Source Address Mask ± nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format. If you specify a source subnet mask of, the system skips the source address comparison. This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Source Port No ± 0±65536 (Default = 0). If the source port number is 0, the system filters ICMP packets in addition to the packet types defined in the rule. This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Comparison Type ± Ignore ± Do not do a comparison. To do a comparison on the port number specified in the packet and the rule, specify one of the following: EQ ± Equal to, NEQ ± Not Equal To, GT ± Greater than, LT ± Less than, In_Range ± Within the specified range, Out_Range ± Outside of the specified range. This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Destination Address ± nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format. This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Destination Address Mask ± nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format. If you specify a destination subnet mask of, the system skips the destination address comparison. This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Destination Port No. ± 0±65536 (Default = 0). If the source port number is 0, the system filters ICMP packets in addition to the packet types defined in the rule. This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Comparison Type ± Ignore ± Ignore ports, EQ ± Equal to, NEQ ± Not Equal To, GT ± Greater than, LT ± Less than, In_Range ± Maximum source port, Out_Range ± Minimum source port. This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Filter Action ± Discard (Packet)/Forward (Packet). This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Rule Type ± Static/Dynamic (Default = Static). This field is read only for dynamic filters.
Delete Rule ± Yes/No.
Go to Next Rule ± Yes/No.
November 1997 |