Canopy T1/E1 Multiplexer | September 2004 |
| T1/E1 Multiplexer FPGA Version 3.4 |
The default administrator account username is admin.
The default administrator account password is 123.
You cannot change the username. However, you can change the password at any time. If you forget your password, reset the system back to the default account and password by logging in, using the safety account.
The safety account username is safety.
The safety account password is SAFE_qwe.
When you log in using this account, the password for the administrator account is reset to 123.The system will then log you out, at which point you may log in using the default administrator account username and password.
2.4.1Logging into the System
To gain access to the CLI, log into the system as described under Configuration Procedures Using the EMS.
2.4.2Changing the Administrator Password
Procedure 7: Changing Administrator password using the CLI
Use this procedure to use the CLI manager to change the Administrator account password.
1.Press Enter.
2.At the username prompt, enter admin.
3.At the password prompt, enter 123.
4.Enter change password.
5.At the prompt Enter your old password: Password:, enter your old password.
6.At the prompt Enter your new password: Password:, enter your new password.
7.At the prompt Enter your new password: Password:,
RESULT: The system responds: Password has been changed.
8.To log off, enter lo.
9.Press Enter.
Issue 3 | Page 36 of 73 |