SwitchBlade x3112 Installation Guide
FAN Fault LED Flashing Amber on AT-SBx31CFC Fabric Control Card
Check the FAN System LED on the front panel of the AT-SBx31CFC Fabric Control Card for a solid green or flashing amber status. A flashing amber status LED indicates a FAULT condition in the AT-SBx31FAN Tray.
The fan tray is initialized by the software running on the AT-SBx31CFC Fabric Control Card. The fan speed is independently adjusted proportional to the internal operating temperature. If the fan speed of one or more fans falls below a set minimum speed, the fan FAULT condition will occur.
You can obtain specific information for the AT-SBx31CFC Fabric Control Card by using the Switchblade x3112 Management Software to note specific parameters by entering the following command:
Contact Allied Telesis Technical Support for further assistance. Please report the AT-SBx31FAN Tray fault condition and the information obtained from the SHOW FANMODULE command.
If the AT-SBx31FAN Tray needs to be replaced, remove the assembly and install a replacement AT-SBx31FAN Tray. Refer to “Replacing the AT-SBx31FAN Tray” on page 79.
The AT-SBx31FAN Tray is hot swappable which allows the
SwitchBlade x3112 to continue to operate while you exchange AT-
SBx31FAN Trays.