Appendix B GlossarySeries
A flow meter which includes a short section of piping | |
| which is put |
Insertion Flow Meter | A flow meter which is inserted into a hole in the |
| user’s pipeline. |
Joule | A unit of energy equal to one watt for one second. |
| Also equal to a |
LCD | Liquid crystal display. |
m | Mass flow rate. |
mA | |
∝ | Viscosity, a measure of a fluid’s resistance to shear stress. |
| Honey has high viscosity, alcohol has low viscosity. |
ΔP | Permanent pressure loss. |
P | Line pressure (psia or bar absolute). |
ρ act | The density of a fluid at the actual temperature and |
| pressure operating conditions. |
ρ std | The density of a fluid at standard conditions (usually |
| 14.7 psia and 20°C). |
Permanent | Unrecoverable drop in pressure. |
Pressure Loss |
Piezoelectric Crystal | A material which generates an electrical charge |
| when the material is put under stress. |
PRTD | An resistance temperature detector (RTD) with plati- |
| num as its element. Used because of high stability. |
psia | Pounds per square inch absolute |
| (equals psig + atmospheric pressure). Atmospheric |
| pressure is typically 14.696 psi at sea level. |
psig | Pounds per square inch gauge. |
PV | Liquid vapor pressure at flowing conditions (psia or |
| bar absolute). |