VXI Technology, Inc.
The commands for the SCPI commands INP:MASK are received by the control (U1) and data (U4) buffers and routed to the control FPGA (U3). The mask register circuitry is contained internally in the control FPGA. This register will be loaded so that Channels 3 through 16 are disabled or masked out.
The command for the SCPI command INP:POL is received by the control (U1) and data (U4) buffers and routed to the control FPGA (U3). Channel 1 has been programmed this to NORM so that the debounce and mask circuitry will treat as an active high. Channel 2 has been programmed as INV, causing the debounce and mask circuitry to treat Channel 2 as an active low.
The command and data for the SCPI command INP:OFFS are received by the control (U1) and data (U4) buffers and routed to the control FPGA (U3). The control FPGA will convert the parallel data for the DAC (U8) into a serial data stream. This data (DACDATA) is synched to the 10 MHz gated clock (DACCLK) and loaded into the DAC when the (DACLOAD) signal goes high. The DAC output (TRIGLEV#) where # is equal to the Channel number. The DAC will output TRIGLEV1 for the comparator at U13A and TRIGLEV2 for the comparator at U13B.
The commands for the SCPI command OUTP:POL:EXT:INT are received by the control (U1) and data (U4) buffers and routed to the control FPGA (U3). U3 uses this command to determine whether the external interrupt signal should be an active high or an active low. This has been programmed to NORM so as to cause U3 to output an active high EXTIRQ signal to the front panel connector when an interrupt occurs. This signal will be a pulse 500 ns wide.
The output of the differential amplifier U17A (BUFCH1) is voltage divided by 4. Since the gain of U17A is 1.0, this makes BUFCH1 1.250 V when
The output of the differential amplifier U17B (BUFCH2) is voltage divided by 4. Since the gain of U17B is 1.0 this makes BUFCH2 1.250 V when
The debounce circuitry will count down for 750 µs before clocking through COMPCH2. When the 750 ∝s time limit has expired, U3 clocks COMPCH2 into the mask register. The mask register will AND COMPCH2 with the mask value (0003). The mask register passes COMPCH2 to a 16 input OR’ing function that determines which channel was first to cross its threshold, in this case COMPCH2. The output of this OR’ing then latches into the “First Latch Register”. This signal, arbitrarily named FIRSTLATCHED, clocks a series of internal latches that will stretch the pulse to 500 ns. This pulse drives the base of Q33 low causing Q33 to shut off and the
40 | VM4016 Programming |