The output polarity external latched command sets the polarity of the front panel latched interrupt output. When the polarity is set to normal, the output will be low when there is an interrupt event. When set to invert, the output will be high when there is an interrupt event.
OUTPut:POLarity:EXTernal:LATChed <polarity> | Where <polarity> is either |
| NORMal or INVerted. |
OUTPut:POLarity:EXTernal:LATChed NORM | Sets the external latched output |
| polarity to low when an interrupt |
| occurs. |
OUTPut:POLarity:EXTernal:LATChed? | Returns the external latched output |
NORM | polarity as NORMal. |
OUTP:POL:EXT:LATC INV | Sets the external latched output |
| polarity to high when an interrupt |
| occurs. |
OUTP:POL:EXT:LATC? | Returns the external latched output |
INV | polarity as INVert. |
VM4016 Programming | 33 |