VXI VM4016 user manual Inhouseregint

Page 23



The INHOUSE:REGINT command controls the type of module’s response to an interrupt acknowledge cycle [ack cycle]. When regint is set to false, the module uses reqt reqf (request true request false), provided the latched interrupt bit is set in the SRE.

It is important to note that all the letters of the command must be provided as there is no short form for this command.


Where <boolean> is 0 OFF 1 ON.






Sets the type of module interrupt response to


one backplane interrupts for every first


latched event.


Returns the type of module interrupt


response as 1.


Sets the type of module interrupt response


as two backplane interrupts for each latched




Returns the type of module interrupt


response as 0.

VM4016 Programming


Image 23
Contents VM4016 Page Table of Contents VXI Technology, Inc Restricted Rights Legend WarrantyLimitation of Warranty CertificationEMC C L a R a T I O N O F C O N F O R M I T YTerms and Symbols General Safety InstructionsThis product. Product should be inspected or serviced Support Resources VXI Technology, Inc VM4016 Preface Introduction IntroductionFront Panel Layout DescriptionVM4016 Block Diagram IRQ Output VM4016 General SpecificationsPreparation for USE InstallationCalculating System Power and Cooling Requirements Front Panel Interface Wiring Setting the Chassis Backplane JumpersSetting the Logical Address Analog Comparator PIN Outs Signal PIN Number1631 Programming Examples of Scpi Commands FETCHCONDITIONED?FETCHLATCHED? FETCHRAW? Inhousepseudo Inhouseregint InhouseregintInhouseregenable Inhouseclearlatch Examples InputdebounceINPMASK? InputmaskInputmaskinterrupt INPutMASKINTerrupt boolean Where boolean is 0 OFF 1 onINPOFFS? InputoffsetINPutPOLarity NORM,@35 InputpolarityInputrange Outputpolarityexternalinterrupt Outputpolarityexternallatched Example Application ExamplesSingle Channel Operation Commands DescriptionControl Page Sets the external interrupt output to be active high Bracketing a VoltageBracketing AN Input Voltage Page Register MAP Register Access ExamplesFor example Pseudo Register Access VXIPLUG&PLAY Driver Examples VM4016 Programming VXI Technology, Inc Alphabetical Command Listing Command DictionaryIeee 488.2 Common Commands Normal Instrument Specific Scpi CommandsScpi Required Commands Query Parameters Command DictionaryCLS Common Scpi CommandsResponse Description ESEESR? IDN? Query Parameters Query Response Description OPCRST SRE STB? TRG TST? OPC WAIFETChCONDitioned? Instrument Specific Scpi CommandsFETChLATChed? FETChRAW? Inhouseclearlatch Inhousepseudo Inhouseregint Inhouseregenable INPutDEBounce INPutMASK INPutMASKINTerrupt INPutOFFSet INPutPOLarity INPutRANGe OUTPutPOLarityEXTernalINTerrupt OUTPutPOLarityEXTernalLATChed STATusOPERationCONDition? Required Scpi CommandsSTATusOPERationENABle STATusOPERationEVENt? STATusPRESet STATusQUEStionableCONDition? STATusQUEStionableENABle STATusQUEStionableEVENt SYSTemERRor? SYSTemVERSion? Theory of Operation Input Range Control Relay Signal Comparison Interrupt Generation Interrupt Generation OUTPutPOLarityEXTernalLATChed Index