Initial Configuration
Step 8. You are now connected at the Enter Username: prompt. Usernames and passwords are
Step 9. SET IP (SE IP) by typing se ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx corresponding to a valid IP address for your network. Press the Enter key to continue.
Step 10. SET SUBNET (SE SU) by typing se su xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx corresponding to your network's subnet mask. Press the Enter key to continue.
Step 11. SET GATEWAY (SE GA) (if needed) by typing se ga xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx corresponding to your network's default gateway. Press the Enter key to continue.
Step 12. SHOW (SH) by typing sh and press the Enter key to display and affirm that the pending IP Address, IP Subnet and IP Default Gateway match the intended Local Area Network input IP Address, IP Subnet and IP Default Gateway.
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