Check Character
A check character in a symbol may be mandated by a bar code symbology specification, by you, by both or not at all. The display reflects the requirement and the result, either CkChr Checks if it passes or Check Character Fails if it fails. If you do not set the unit to test for a check character, the message NO Check Character appears. If the check character is bad, a message indicating that appears.
Symbol Type
The symbol type refers to differences in symbol formats used in various applications. That is, the same symbol used in different applications may have a different length or a unique data or application identifier.
When you set the verifier to an application, the unit attempts to identify the symbol type. For example, if an AIAG Code 39 symbol is six or fewer numeric characters with a data identifier of Q, it is a “quantity” symbol. If the symbol is nine or fewer alphanumeric characters with a data identifier of S, it is a “serial number” symbol.
Chapter 8, Using a Quick Check 800 Verifier lists the symbol types and error messages. If an application does not have a unique symbol format, the unit will simply display the symbology.
♦To review the format procedures:
1. Scan a symbol.
2.If the cursor is not next to Fmt, use the arrows to place it there. The first two format parameters appear in the results line.
3.To view other format parameters, press ↑ and ↓.
The names of the format parameters and their results scroll.
4.To review other types of data (dimensional or reflectance), press → or ←.
5.To resume scanning, start at the quiet zone and scan the symbol.
Reviewing Messages
Errors can result from a variety of causes. They can result from errors in dimensional, reflectance or format parameters generically or based on an application. An example of a generic (symbology) error message that may appear after scanning a symbol is “BAD QuietZon.” This message indicates that there is insufficient quiet zone width. Chapter 8, Using a Quick Check 800 Verifier lists error, application and type messages.
Quick Check® 600/800 Series User’s Guide | 4 - 15 |