♦To select an application:
1.Display the menu that begins with Print Results (press POWER and SELECT).
2.Set the cursor on the asterisk next to Change Settings and then press
A menu that begins with Specifications appears.
3.With the asterisk next to Specifications, press SELECT. A menu that begins with Symbologies appears.
A list containing the term Symbologies and the names of the applications appears. The application that is currently enabled has a ← to the right of the name. If a → is to the right of the term Symbologies, no application is enabled.
4.To enable another application, set the cursor next to the application name and then press SELECT.
•When you select AIAG, SCC, Coupon Code or
BOOKLAND, you are prompted to provide additional
information. AIAG asks if you want Supplier or Customer. Use ↑ and
↓to set the cursor on the asterisk next to the term you want and then press SELECT.
•When you select SCC for the SCS/ITF, Coupon Code and BOOK- LAND, you are prompted to provide a magnification factor. Use ↑ and
↓to display the magnification factor you want to use and then press
5.To return to the previous menu, press POWER.
To scan a symbol, set the wand on the symbol’s quiet zone.
Changing the Test Criteria
The test criteria apply to the standards used to evaluate the scanned symbols. You can select the following items:
•ISO/IEC scan grade or pass/fail criteria for traditional parameters
•Character averaged decodability or ISO/IEC Decodability
•ISO/IEC grades in letters or numbers
•Number of scans used to determine the final ISO/IEC Symbol Grade
Scan Grade
The Quick Check 600/800 Verifier acquires data using the ScanProfile Methodology specified in the ISO/IEC’s “Bar Code Print Quality Guideline.” The verifier then evaluates the acquired data and provides a scan grade (also called a scan profile grade).
The default number of scans used to obtain the scan grade is one (with Extended Accuracy set to Off). You can obtain an averaged scan grade when the Extended Accuracy scanning option is On (set to a value >1).
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