ABC (formerly CCBC) - America's Blood Centers, 725 15th Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005, Tel: (202) 393 5725, Fax: (202) 393 1282, http://www.americasblood.org/
AIAG - Automotive Industry Action Group, 26200 Lahser Rd., Suite 200, Southfield, MI 48033, Tel: (248)
AIM North America - A chapter organization of AIM, Inc., 125 Warrendale- Bayne Road, Warrendale, PA 15086, Tel: (724) 934 5688, Fax: (724) 934 4495, http://www.aimusa.org/
BASIC - Book and the Serial Industry Systems Advisory Committee, Sub- Committee of the Book Industry Study Group (BISG), 19 West 21st Street, Suite 905, New York, NY 10010, Tel:
Comp TIA - Computing Technology Industry Association, 1815 S. Meyers Road, Suite 300, Oakbrook Terrace, IL
DoD Logistics AIT Office - Automatic Identification Technology, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060, Tel: (703) 767 6200, http://www.dodait.com/
GS1 (formerly UCC and EAN)
Brussels - Blue Tower, Avenue Louise, 326, BE 1050 Brussels Belgium, Tel: +32 2 788 7800, Fax: +32 2 788 7899
GS1 US - Princeton Pike Corporate Center, 1009 Lenox Drive, Suite 202, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, 08648 USA, Tel: (609) 620 0200,
Fax: (609) 620 1200,
HIBCC - Health Industry Business Communications Council, 2525 E Arizona Biltmore Circle, Suite 127, Phoenix, AZ 85016,
Tel: (602) 381 1091, Fax: (602) 381 1093,
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