Num- | Symptom | Possible Cause | Remedy | Description | |
ber | |||||
| ||
| |
21 | The binding | Check that double- | The binding position and | ||
| position can- | ing or booklet bind- | sided printing or | the binding margin can | |
| not be speci- | ing is not specified. | booklet binding is | only be specified if dou- | |
| fied. |
| selected. | ||
| booklet binding is speci- | |
| fied. | |
| |
22 | The binding | Hole punching or | Check if hole | If hole punching or sta- | |
| position is | stapling are speci- | punching or sta- | pling is specified with | |
| not as speci- | fied with double- | pling are specified. | ||
| fied. | sided printing. |
| binding position is | |
| adjusted for the positions | |
| of the punched holes or | |
| staples. | |
| |
23 | Booklet bind- | The optional duplex- | Check that the | In order to specify booklet | |
| ing cannot | ing document feeder | duplexing docu- | binding, the optional | |
| be specified. | is not installed, or | ment feeder is | duplexing document | |
| the duplexing docu- | installed, and | feeder must be installed. | |
| ment feeder is not | check the selected | In addition, booklet bind- | |
| selected on the | settings on the | ing cannot be specified | |
| Device Options Set- | Device Options | unless the duplexing doc- | |
| ting tab. | Setting tab. | ument feeder is selected | |
| on the Device Options | |
| Setting tab. | |
| |
24 | Booklet bind- | The paper size of | Check the paper | ✽ If multiple copies are | |
| ing is not | each page is differ- | size. | not printed correctly | |
| performed as | ent. |
| with booklet binding, | |
| specified. |
| refer to the information | |
| on sorting. | |
| |
25 | Output tray | The optional mail bin | Check that the | In order to specify the | |
| cannot be | kit is not installed, or | mail bin kit is | output tray, the optional | |
| selected. | the mail bin kit is not | installed, and | mail bin kit must be | |
| selected on the | check the selected | installed. In addition, the | |
| Device Options Set- | settings on the | output tray cannot be | |
| ting tab. | Device Options | specified unless the mail | |
| Setting tab. | bin kit is selected on the | |
| Device Options Setting | |
| tab. | |
| |
| Check the paper | When using paper with a | |
| size setting, and | size other than A4, A5, | |
| check if the “Cover | ||
| Mode” or “OHP | tive, Letter or 16K, the | |
| Interleaving” func- | output tray cannot be | |
| tion is selected. | selected. | |