Trango Broadband M2400S user manual Management, ARQ with Selected Repeat and Multirate Feature

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ARQ with Selected Repeat and Multirate Feature

The M2400S features ARQ, or “Automatic Repeat Request,” which provides the ability to correct for missing or erred packets of data by asking the sender to re-transmit the data.

Both the AP and SU units implement a form of ARQ known as Selective Repeat.

The units make a first attempt at transmitting a data frame using the 5.5 Mbps rate. Then, if a re-try is required, the 2nd attempt will be at 5.5 Mbps as well. The 3rd and 4th attempts will be at a rate of 2.75 Mbps. After the 4th attempt there will be no more re-tries. A counter describing “maximum retries reached” will be incremented.

A minimum of 100ms is placed between re-transmission requests.

The units buffer up to 1200 frames or 4 seconds worth of RF TX Data frames to support the ARQ algorithm.

The AP unit maintains counters concerning the ARQ algorithm on a per SU basis. The counters shall include the following data:

Total Transmitted Frames Total Retransmission Attempts Total “Maximum Attempts Reached”

The SU also maintains a counter concerning its use of the ARQ algorithm. Counters include the following data: Total Transmitted Frames

Total Retransmission Attempts Total “Maximum Attempts Reached”

Section 8 Management

Section Topics:

Radio Management Access via TCP/IP

SU Management from AP’s command set


Radio Management Access Via TCP/IP

The IP Address of an M2400S radio is for management purposes only. The IP address is not used for routing purposes or passing traffic. Users should take care to set appropriate IP schemes for all management activities including upgrading the radio’s firmware. It is not uncommon for users to assign public IP addresses to radios so that they can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet. In order to gain TCP/IP access to the SU (from either side of the wireless network) ensure that the SU switches 2 and 6 are turned on. In order to gain TCP/IP access to the AP from the SU side of the wireless network ensure that AP switch 7 is turned on.

SU Management from AP

The AP provides several commands that permit the management of associated SUs. In fact, most system management functions are performed by issuing commands from the AP. Presented below are a few examples of these commands:

su <all suid, 1..126> su info <suid, 1..126> su linktest <suid, 1..126>

su password <suid all> <rwro> <new password> <new password> su ping <suid, 1..126>

su reboot <suid all>

su sw <suid all> <sw#, 0..7> <on off> su testrflink <suid, 1..126> <r>

su testrflink <all> <r>

Note: SU commands issued from the AP will automatically update the SU’s flash memory. No save ss command is necessary.

Trango Broadband Wireless — User Manual M2400S Rev A

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Contents M2400S GHz Wireless Broadband System Table of Contents Table of Figures Warranty Information Firmware Notifications PrefaceFCC Information CanadaIntroduction OverviewAuto-retransmit Feature ARQ SmartPolling & Bandwidth ThrottlingHardware Overview M2400S AP and SU Hardware ComponentsConnections and Power Getting StartedWiring Diagram Radio Management ConceptsBrowser Interface OpmodeBrowser Interface Login Primary Features and Pages of the Browser Interface Command Line Interface Telnet ip address of radioTroubleshooting Configuring the AP Subscriber Unit Database Sudb Basic Configuration via Browser InterfaceThis section you will Creating an SU in the Sudb CIR DownConfigure Other Basic AP Parameters Default OpmodeIP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Active Channel/PolarizationBasic Configuration via Browser Interface Configure Basic SU Parameters SU Basic SetupLED Summary Link ControlRF Link Loopback Test Advanced Setup SU Ranging TestOther Key Parameters Site Survey Access Point Basic Settings Basic Configuration via CLISet baseid baseid Set defaultopmode on or off Set defaultopmode on time secIpconfig new ip new subnet mask new Set apid apid 00-FF in HEXPower set minmaxdBm Sw 0 onoff default is onOn/off command Sw 3 onoff default is offSubscriber Unit Database Settings Sw 7 onoff default is onRemarks remarks Sudb add suid prreg device id suid SU IDSubscriber Unit Basic Settings SU System Information Parameters and Related Commands Targetap apidAntenna h v e Sw 0 onoffSw 1 onoff Sw 2 onoffMounting Hardware Part Number QTYInstallation Notes Cabling and Grounding ConsiderationsDeployment Command survey time antennaSite Selection AP Search and SU Antenna Alignment Site Survey ExampleRssi Command for Antenna Alignment AP SearchSU Alignment Using LEDs Link Management CommandsSu ping suid Su suid Su linktest suidSu testrflink suid ARQ with Selected Repeat and Multirate Feature Radio Management Access Via TCP/IPManagement SU Management from APSu password suid all rw ro new password new password Loading Multiple SU’s into Sudb using Dload CommandSu ipconfig suid new ip new subnet new gateway Snmp Setup Objects for Monitoring and ControlSU Bandwidth Monitoring AP Bandwidth MonitoringManagement Appendix a Command Set Reference Command Radio Description AccessReboot unit Ro/rw Remarks Su ipconfig suid new IP new Default = Tftpd Radio Transmit Specifications Appendix B SpecificationsReceiver Specifications Ethernet I/O Specifications Power SpecificationsMechanical and Environmental Specifications Standard External Power SupplyIntegrated Antenna AP Standard External Power-over-Ethernet Junction BoxIntegrated Antenna SU