Getting Started
Link Control: This page shows which SUs are associated. This page also provides several tools for evaluating the quality of the wireless link.
Command Console: From this page, the user can run any console command that is not interactive (i.e. ipconfig) or time sensitive (su linktest). For a complete list of console commands, type help or ? in the entry field.
Logout: This link will end the current browser session with the radio.
Help: The Browser Interface features useful Help pages which explain all listed parameters. To access the help pages click on the Help link.
Command Line Interface
Although most radio functions can be managed via the browser interface, the command line interface (CLI) provides slightly more functionality and is usually the management tool of choice for experienced users. The CLI can be accessed through Telnet.
Open a command prompt (DOS) session on your PC. Open a telnet session by typing:
telnet [ip address of radio]
All Trango radios are
Welcome to Trango Broadband Wireless
To terminate a CLI session (Telnet or Serial) type the command logout.
!Note: Type help or ? for a listing of all CLI commands. Type help <command> for the syntax of a particular command.
Example (to view a list of all commands that start with su) #> ? su
su [all <suid, 1..126>] su info <suid, 1..126> su linktest <suid, 1..126>
su password <suidall> <rwro> <new password> <new password> su ping <suid, 1..126>
su reboot <suidall>
su sw <suidall> <sw#, 0..7> <on off> su testrflink <suid, 1..126> <r>
su testrflink <all> <r>
sudb add <suid, 1..126> <prre> <device id,hex>
sudb cirmir <<suid>all> <cir dn> <cir up> <mir dn> <mir up> sudb defaultcirmir [<cir dn> <cir up> <mir dn> <mir up>] sudb delete <<suid>all>
sudb dload
sudb gid <<suid>all> <0..15> sudb view
survey <time, 1..10 sec> <antenna, hve>
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