Trango Broadband M2400S Link Management Commands, SU Alignment Using LEDs, Su ping suid

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SU Alignment Using LEDs

The LED RSSI indicators on the bottom of the radio provide a handy alignment tool. If all four LEDs are lit, the unit is receiving –64 dBm or stronger. If no LEDs are lit, there is not sufficient signal strength to establish a wireless link.

Lit LEDs

Signal Strength


-86 dBm or weaker


-76 to -85 dBm


-69 to -75 dBm


-66 to -70 dBm


-65 dBm and stronger

Note: RSSI tool (telnet or LEDs) will show all RF energy on a given freq. i.e. – a nearby SU on the same freq. passing traffic may give the appearance of a strong signal from your AP when in fact it is not and cause a misalignment.

Link Management Commands

Once the radios are properly aligned for maximum RSSI, ensure the SU’s default Opmode is “ON” and that all configuration parameters are correct.

Reboot the SU. Once the SU enters Opmode “ON” the authentication process will begin, and the two radios will begin to associate. From the AP side, there are several basic diagnostics commands, such as su ping, su info, and su testrflink, which can check if a reliable RF link has been established. It may take one minute or more for the association process to complete. This process may take longer if there are many SUs in the sector.

If all tests show favorable results, the wireless link will automatically begin passing Ethernet traffic between the radios.

In establishing and diagnosing the quality of the link between AP and SU(s), there are a few commands that are especially useful. All of these commands are performed at the AP. A summary of these commands follows:


Displays the status of all SUs in the AP’s SUDB. SUs in the SUDB will appear by SU ID, and will be classified into one of the following status categories: Associated, Associating, or OFF. All associated SUs will be indicated.

Example: #> su [Priority] 1


[Associating] [Power Off] 17 Success.

su ping <suid>

AP will send 10 RF pings to the designated SU ID. The response from each ping will indicate latency (in micro-seconds) and the received signal strength (RSSI) from the SU for each of the 10 pings. Note this command will also tell you the distance from the AP to the SU.

Example: #> su ping 1 [#Begin]

Trango Broadband Wireless — User Manual M2400S Rev A

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Contents M2400S GHz Wireless Broadband System Table of Contents Table of Figures Preface Warranty Information Firmware NotificationsFCC Information CanadaOverview IntroductionSmartPolling & Bandwidth Throttling Auto-retransmit Feature ARQM2400S AP and SU Hardware Components Hardware OverviewGetting Started Connections and PowerRadio Management Concepts Wiring DiagramOpmode Browser InterfaceBrowser Interface Login Primary Features and Pages of the Browser Interface Telnet ip address of radio Command Line InterfaceTroubleshooting Configuring the AP Subscriber Unit Database Sudb Basic Configuration via Browser InterfaceThis section you will CIR Down Creating an SU in the SudbDefault Opmode Configure Other Basic AP ParametersIP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Active Channel/PolarizationBasic Configuration via Browser Interface SU Basic Setup Configure Basic SU ParametersLink Control LED SummaryRF Link Loopback Test SU Ranging Test Advanced SetupOther Key Parameters Site Survey Access Point Basic Settings Basic Configuration via CLISet baseid baseid Set defaultopmode on time sec Set defaultopmode on or offIpconfig new ip new subnet mask new Set apid apid 00-FF in HEXSw 0 onoff default is on Power set minmaxdBmOn/off command Sw 3 onoff default is offSw 7 onoff default is on Subscriber Unit Database SettingsRemarks remarks Sudb add suid prreg device id suid SU IDSubscriber Unit Basic Settings Targetap apid SU System Information Parameters and Related CommandsSw 0 onoff Antenna h v eSw 1 onoff Sw 2 onoffPart Number QTY Mounting HardwareCabling and Grounding Considerations Installation NotesDeployment Command survey time antennaSite Selection Site Survey Example AP Search and SU Antenna AlignmentAP Search Rssi Command for Antenna AlignmentSU Alignment Using LEDs Link Management CommandsSu ping suid Su linktest suid Su suidSu testrflink suid Radio Management Access Via TCP/IP ARQ with Selected Repeat and Multirate FeatureManagement SU Management from APSu password suid all rw ro new password new password Loading Multiple SU’s into Sudb using Dload CommandSu ipconfig suid new ip new subnet new gateway Objects for Monitoring and Control Snmp SetupSU Bandwidth Monitoring AP Bandwidth MonitoringManagement Command Radio Description Access Appendix a Command Set ReferenceReboot unit Ro/rw Remarks Su ipconfig suid new IP new Default = Tftpd Radio Transmit Specifications Appendix B SpecificationsReceiver Specifications Power Specifications Ethernet I/O SpecificationsMechanical and Environmental Specifications Standard External Power SupplyIntegrated Antenna AP Standard External Power-over-Ethernet Junction BoxIntegrated Antenna SU