Basic Configuration via Browser Interface
Channel Table: Assigns channel numbers to actual frequencies of operation. Default settings allow the largest number of channels (8) within the band, while still maintaining a 10 MHz channel spacing.
Other Key Parameters
This section describes the remainder of the parameters listed on the System Information page. Most of these parameters are the same for both APs and SUs.
Hardware Version: Hardware version is
FPGA Version: Low level field programmable gate array firmware currently loaded on the radio. Normally the FPGA firmware will not require upgrading.
Firmware Version: Main firmware. In this example, the version part of the string is 1p0 (v1.0), the hardware code is H8006, and the remainder of the string is a date code.
Device ID: MAC address of the radio.
S/N: Serial number of the radio.
Telnetd Port: User changeable telnet port of radio.
TFTPd: Current status of TFTP daemon. Used for uploading firmware.
MIR Threshold: Shown in Mbps (0..5) Maximum Information Rate (MIR) Threshold. The MIR Threshold is the aggregate throughput of the AP at which the AP will start to enforce CIR rules for the SUs.
Trango Broadband Wireless — User Manual M2400S Rev A | Page 19 |