• Weather condition is extremely poor.
When setting AVMD, check the performance during both daytime and nighttime after setting the detection area, according to the installation place of camera and the assumed motion of object. If the AVMD is activated improperly or not activated even after the setting, use a sensor.
Luminance level affects detection of abandoned or removed objects. It is recommended to use this unit in a room where luminance level is stable.
While the detected object exists in the shooting area, the alarm occurrence will be notified every 5 seconds. The alarm occurrence will also be notified by
About "Live" page when AVMD is activated
qAlarm occurrence indication for each channel
w Frame
e Track
qAlarm occurrence indication for each channel Channel that has detected AVMD (one of CH1 to 4) will light.
Blue frame will be displayed when a person is detected in the shooting area. The frame will turn red when the detected person enters the detection area that has been set, and an alarm occurs.
It is possible to display or hide the frame by select- ing "ON" or "OFF" from [Frame] under the live image.
The track of motion made by the detected person will be displayed in green. The track will be dis- played for 3 seconds. It is possible to display or hide the frame by selecting "ON" or "OFF" from [Track] under the live image.