Chapter 3
Upgrading to BCM 4.0 and SRG 1.5
This section describes the steps to upgrade a BCM 3.6/3.7 system to BCM 4.0 and a Survivable Remote Gateway (SRG) 1.0 system to SRG 1.5 using the Upgrade Wizard. Since SRG 1.0 is based on the BCM 3.6/3.7 platform, and SRG 1.5 is based on the BCM 4.0 platform, the upgrade process to BCM 4.0 and SRG 1.5 is almost identical. Any differences in the procedures are indicated in this document. The upgrade process also applies to the BCM400 Expansion Gateway, which must be upgraded before upgrading your BCM host system.
Ensure that you read all the instructions in this chapter carefully before performing the upgrade.
If you have not already done so, read all the instructions in
Warning: Perform a data backup before starting
Perform a backup of your system before you attempt the upgrade. Store the information off the hard disk of the BCM system and off the computer you use to perform the upgrade. This ensures that you can restore your system if the upgrade does not complete properly.
Upgrading the BCM400 Expansion Gateway
If you have a BCM400 Expansion Gateway with your BCM system (host), both the BCM host system and the BCM400 Expansion Gateway must be upgraded. You must upgrade the BCM400 Expansion Gateway before upgrading your BCM host system.
The BCM400 Expansion Gateway is upgraded using the procedures described in this document. Follow the steps in this guide to upgrade the BCM400 Expansion Gateway.
After the BCM400 Expansion Gateway upgrade is complete, verify that calls are flowing bidirectionally. When the entire system (BCM400 Expansion Gateway and BCM host system) is functioning properly, perform a backup of the system.
The BCM400 Expansion Gateway and BCM host system can function for a test period with different software releases. This is not a recommended configuration for extended use. Once you confirm that the BCM400 Expansion Gateway is functioning properly, upgrade the BCM host system immediately.
Warning: Do not upgrade your BCM host system until you confirm that the BCM400 Expansion Gateway is upgraded and working properly. Resolve any issues with the BCM400 Expansion Gateway before upgrading your BCM host system.
Upgrade Guide