Chapter 5
Hard disk upgrade
This section describes the process to upgrade a BCM1000 system running BCM 2.0x or BCM 2.5/FP1 software to BCM 4.0 by replacing the hard disk with a BCM 4.0 FRU hard disk obtained from Nortel. Your BCM system also requires 256 MB of RAM.
Warning: The hard disk upgrade does not preserve customer data, including core data. You must reprogram all customer data after a successful upgrade.
Pre-upgrade tasks
Perform the following tasks dealing with your BCM system before beginning the upgrade.
•Ensure you have a Nortel hard disk and authorization code: Obtain a BCM 4.0 hard disk FRU and BCM 4.0 authorization code from Nortel. Other hard disks are not supported on a BCM system.
•Obtain a valid keycode file for your system: Before beginning the upgrade, you must ensure that you have a valid keycode for your system. Use KRS to view the existing features for your site and generate a keycode file for your new BCM 4.0 system with the required features.
Ensure the features include the upgrade to BCM 4.0. Place this keycode file on the management computer that you are using to perform the upgrade.
BCM 4.0 uses a more powerful keycode system, therefore you must generate a new keycode to upgrade your system to BCM 4.0. Previous keycodes do not work for BCM 4.0. Keycodes are specific to a release. If you obtained a keycode to perform beta testing of the upgrade, you must obtain a new keycode to run the released version of the upgrade.
For more information about keycodes, see the Keycode Installation Guide.
•Ensure your system has at least 256 MB of RAM: A minimum of 256 MB of RAM is required to upgrade to BCM 4.0. Install the appropriate amount of RAM in your BCM 2.x system.
•Note the customer data and settings: Note the customer data and settings on your BCM 2.x system. You need to
Upgrade Guide