Synplicity Synplify
10.Click Change Result File to display the EDIF Result File dialog box; then move the to following directory:
<Install Path>/verilog/example/synthesis
11.Name the file pcix_top_s.edf and click OK to set the name of the result file and return to the main project window.
Note: In practice, the directory for the EDIF result file does not need to be changed. However, the sample processing scripts included with the example design assume that the output EDIF files will be located in the synthesis directory.
12.From the main project window, click Change Target to display the Options for Implementation dialog, Figure
Figure 5-7: Options for Implementation: Device
13.On the Device tab, set the Technology, Part, Speed, and Package options to reflect the targeted device (a
14.On the Options/Constraints tab, deselect Symbolic FSM Compiler (but leave Resource Sharing selected) and set the Frequency to 66 MHz.
Figure 5-8: Options for Implementation: Options/Constraints
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UG158 March 24, 2008