Receiving continued
•When your answering machine answers an incoming call, a fax tone may be recorded while your fax discriminates between a voice and fax. Your answering machine may indicate a voice message has been left.
•Set your answering machine to VOX mode (if applicable). VOX stands for Voice Operated Transmission and is the name given to the answering machine facility which causes disconnection when a period of silence is detected by the answering machine.
Some Message Guideline When You
Record Outgoing Message
The message that you record on your answering machine should give clear instructions to callers who may want to send a fax or leave a message. Your message should say “This is (your company). If you would like to send a fax please press your [START ] key. If you want to leave a message, please speak after beep tone.” Keep your message as short as possible.
Receiving in TEL/FAX Mode
If you have set your unit to ANS/FAX mode and the answering machine connected to the EXT. TEL jack is switched off, or the answering machine is not connected to your unit, your FX505 goes to TEL/FAX mode. In TEL/FAX mode, your unit operates as follows :
1.When a call is received, if you do not pick up the handset within 6 rings, your fax machine will switch to
2.When a call is received, if you pick up the handset and hear someone, you can talk. If someone wants to send a fax, please instruct him to press his START key. When you hear a fax tone, press [START/COPY].
Receiving Using the
Extension Telephone
When you are using a standard telephone and if the telephone is connected to the EXT.TEL jack on your fax machine (see page 10), you can transfer a fax transmission to the fax machine using the telephone.
1.Make a call or receive a call on the extension telephone.
•Speak with the person on the other end of the line.
•If a fax tone is heard when you pick up the handset, go to step 3.
2.To receive a facsimile on the same call after the conversation, ask the remote operator to press the START key on their machine.
3.When a fax tone is heard, press [*], [9], [*] keys on the extension telephone slowly in sequence. If you still hear the fax tone from remote
machine, press [*], [9], [*] o n c e again.