Command | Description | Parameters / Response Values |
| |
Baud | Sets the baud rate for the remote port | 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 |
Data Bits | Sets the number of data bits for the remote port | 7, 8 |
Parity | Sets the parity for the remote port | None, Even, Odd |
Stop Bits | Sets the number of stop bits for the remote port | 1, 2 |
Soft Flow | Sets the software control for the data flow to on or off | ■ On: if data flow is software controlled |
| ■ Off: if data flow is not software controlled |
Hard Flow | Sets the hardware control for the data flow to on or off | ■ On: If data flow is hardware controlled |
| ■ Off: If data flow is not hardware controlled |
Control>Network: enables you to set the network parameters when the TDR6 is to be monitored and controlled through a network
Address | Sets the Internet Protocol address of the TDR6 | User defined in the format: xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx where |
| xxx is a decimal number from 0 to 999 |
| Example: 192:200:9:201 |
Mask | text string | |
| This parameter can be set using a remote terminal and the | default: |
| appropriate remote command. |
Gateway | text string | |
| This parameter can be set using a remote terminal and the | default: |
| appropriate remote command. |
MAC | Format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx where xx is a | |
| hexadecimal number from 0 to f. |
| Example: 00:e0:74:00:02:cb |
Control>Clock: used to set the date and time |
| |
Date | Sets the date. | mm.dd.yyyy where: |
| If the date is entered incorrectly, or an | ■ mm = the month as a value between 1 and 12 |
| entered, the TDR6 will display and continue to use the previously | ■ dd = the day as a value between 1 and 31 |
| set date. | ■ yyyy = the year representing all four digits of |
| |
| the current year |
| Default: 00.00.0000 |
Time | Sets the time. | hh.mm.ss where: |
| ■ hh = hours, in |
| between 0 and 23, (where 0 is midnight and 23 |
| is 11 PM) |
| ■ mm = minutes; value between 0 to 59 |
| ■ ss = seconds; value between 0 to 59 |
Control>Reset: used to reset the TDR6 to the |
| |
Press Enter to Reset | When a reset if performed, the following actions occur: | Returns to the main menu after reset |
| ■ The last configuration that was set is restored, regardless of |
| whether you saved this configuration using the User/Save |
| options under the Stored Configuration menu. |
| ■ All programmable logic and firmware are reloaded. |
| ■ The unit is restarted. |
| ■ The fault history log is cleared. |
| Additional Information: As an aid to troubleshooting, the fault |
| history log should be reviewed and recorded before resetting or |
| turning the TDR6 power off. |
Version Menu: displays the version of firmware currently in use on the TDR6 |
| |
Firmware | Displays the firmware version label | |
| the TDR6 |
28 |
| Front Panel |