Verify that the baud rate and parity of the remote unit communications package match the factory default setting of the TDR6 remote interface
Verify that the cable between the terminal and the TDR6 is properly connected
Power cycle the TDR6 if needed
If the unit still fails to generate a prompt, contact Customer Service.
Ethernet Port
After you have cabled the TDR6 to a network through the TRD6 Ethernet port, perform the following steps to establish remote communications using Windows Telnet:
More sophisticated applications are available that allow the user to view commands and responses more easily.
1.At the remote unit, access the remote unit command prompt (>) by selecting the
2.At the > prompt, launch Telnet by typing TELNET. The Telnet window appears.
3.From the Connect menu, select Remote System. The Remote System dialog box appears.
4.For Host Name or IP Address, type the TDR6 IP address. For the procedure used to assign an IP Address, refer to the installation chapter.
5.For Port Type enter 21846 or 0x5556.
Do not select “Telnet.” If you select “Telnet,” the program will attempt to log you into the device operating system.
6.For Terminal Type, accept the default.
7.Click the Connect button. You should now be connected.
8.If connection is not successful, troubleshoot the installation and setup:
Ensure that the TDR6 is turned on and plugged into an active AC outlet
Verify that the cable between the terminal and the TDR6 is properly connected
In Telnet, verify that the correct IP address and port type have been selected
Check with the Information Systems to determine if problems exist with the LAN
If you need assistance, contact Customer Service.
Remote The TDR6 can be configured, monitored, and controlled from a remote unit. The Communications remote unit might be an ASCII terminal, a personal computer, or any other remote
Overview unit capable of asynchronous communications. The TDR6 supports ASCII protocol for remote communications.
Command Types
The remote unit accepts two different types of commands:
■Execute commands direct the TDR6 to perform a specified action, such as changing a configuration parameter.
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| Using a Remote Unit |