■MC – enable you to display or set various master controller functions including the remote control interface, nonvolatile configuration memory, date and time settings, and network setup.
■PGCA – Tiernan’s conditional access commands allow you to display a signal’s protection and authorization status.
■UD – user data commands
The TDR6 can be configured for two separate user data channels, which are referred to as user data channel A and user data channel B.
UDA channel controls user data channel A. UDB channel controls user data channel B.
■VD – Video decoder commands allow you to display or set operating parameters for
Issuing Remote To issue a command from a remote unit, type the command at the remote prompt Commands (>) with the appropriate parameter, and then press the ENTER key. The TDR6
performs the required function and displays the prompt (>) when it is ready to accept another command.
The following syntax is used: <command> <parameter> where
■<command> consists of its mnemonic and the instruction; ensure that the command is typed correctly and includes spaces, periods, or underscore (_) characters as appropriate
■There must be one space between the command and the parameter. A space is typed by pressing the Space Bar key.
■<parameter> is the value pertaining to the command. Parameters can be numeric or alphanumeric. No spaces should be typed after the parameter; doing so will result in an error.
For example:
■To set the remote port baud rate to 1200 bps, issue the command MC RS232 BAUD 1200 and press Enter. In this example:
The command mnemonic is MC RS232 followed by a space The command instruction is BAUD followed by a space The parameter is 1200
■To query the remote port baud rate, issue the command MC BAUD and press Enter. The TDR6 responds by displaying the baud rate on the remote unit.
The audio decoder (AD), demodulator (DMD), and user data (UD) commands contain additional command designators which enable you to configure a specific port. The command designators, shown on the TDR6 rear panel, are:
■ADA through ADF – audio ports A through F
■DMD.A through DMD.D – demodulator ports A through D
■UDA and UDB – user data ports A and B
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| Using a Remote Unit |