JVC AV21BJ8EPS manual Teletext

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Teletext is an information system that displays text on your TV screen. Using the Teletext information system you can view a page of information on a subject that is available in the list of contents (index).

No on screen display will be available in text mode.

No contrast, brightness or colour control, but volume control is available in text mode.

To operate Teletext

Select a TV station on which Teletext is being transmitted.

Press (TELETEXT) “” button. Usually the list of contents (index) is displayed on the screen.

To select a page of Teletext

Press the appropriate digit buttons for the required Teletext page number.

The selected page number is displayed at the top left corner of the screen. The Teletext page counter searches until the selected page number is located, so that the desired page is displayed on the screen.

• Press ““ button to move the Teletext screen forward one page at a time.

Press “” button to move the Teletext screen backward one page at a time.

To Select Index Page

To select the page number of the index (generally page 100), press ““ button.

Searching for a teletext page while watching TV

In the Teletext mode pressing ““ button will switch the screen to the TV mode. In the TV mode enter a page num- ber using digit keys. As you enter last digit of page number,

” sign will replace the page number and flash until the entered page number is found. Then the page number will replace “” sign again. Now you can display this teletext page pressing ““ button.

To Select Double Height Text

Press ““ button for the top half of the information page to be displayed in double height text.

Press ““ button again for the bottom half of the informa- tion page to be displayed in double height text.

Press ““ button once more for the full page of normal height text.

To Reveal “concealed” Information

Pressing ““ button once will reveal answers on a quiz or games page.

Pressing ““ button again will conceal the revealed an- swers.

To Stop Automatic Page Change

The teletext page you have selected may contain more infor- mation than what is on the screen; the rest of the information will be displayed after a period of time.

Press ““ button to stop the automatic page change.

Press ““ button again to allow the next page to be dis- played.

To Select a Subcode Page

Subcode pages are subsections of long Teletext pages that can only be displayed on the screen one section at a time.

Select the required Teletext page.

Press ““ button.

Select the required subcode page number by pressing four digit buttons (e.g. 0001).

If the selected subcode page is not displayed in a short

time, press ““ button. TV programme will be displayed on the screen.

Teletext page number will be displayed on the upper left cor- ner of the screen when the selected page is found.

Press ““ button to display the selected Teletext page.

To exit Teletext

• Press “” button. The screen will switch to TV mode.


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Contents Page Contents Safety PrecautionsVCR Control Buttons Remote Control ButtonsStandard Button Picture default settings Risk of Electric ShockControl Panel Buttons Antenna Connections Initial Settings Before Switching on your TVSwitching the TV ON/OFF PreparationMenu System Operating with Remote ControlTURE, FEATURE, INSTALL. and Program Operating with the onset buttons Setting Hue In AV mode only Feature Menu Sleep Timer Setting Sharpness Child LockProgram. Programming Menu Other Features Teletext Connect the External Equipments Before connecting anythingFront AV Tips VHF Band I/III SpecificationsAudio Output Power UHF Band USommaire Consignes de sécuritéTouche Standard Image Reglages Dusine Fonctions de la télécommandeRisque DE Choc Électrique Fonctions du panneau de commande Branchement de lantenne Mise en marche ou arrêt du téléviseur PréparationAvant dallumer le téléviseur Paramètres initiauxSystème de menu Utilisation des touches situées sur le panneau de commandeUtilisation de la télécommande Menu ImageMenu SPECIF. Fonctions Menu PROGRAM. Programmation Menu InstallLangue Informations à lécran Autres fonctionsCoupure temporaire du son Affichage de lheureTélétexte Avant de procéder à tout branchement Sélection dun mode AVBranchement des périphériques externes AV Avant FrançaisConseils CÂBLE-TVB/G S01-S41 / S75-S79 L S01-S41 / S75-S77 Caractéristiques techniquesHyper Bande Alimentation SortieaudioInhalt SicherheitshinweiseVCR Bedienungstasten FernbedienungstastenVorsicht Gefahr Elektrischer SchlägeBedienfeldtasten am Gerät Antennenanschlüsse Ein- und Ausschalten VorbereitungenVor dem Einschalten GrundeinstellungenBedienung mit den Tasten der Fernbedienung MenüsystemBedienung mit den Tasten am Gerät Das Menü BildDas Menü Funktion Das Menü Install Das Menü Programm. ProgrammierenWeitere Funktionen Einzufügen, oder die Blaue Taste, um den Vorgang abzubreTeletextseite aufrufen VCR -BedienungstastenTeletext aktivieren Indexseite aufrufenAndere Geräte anschließen Bevor Sie andere Geräte anschließenTipps KABEL-TVB/G S01-S41 / S75-S79 L S01-S41 / S75-S77 Technische DatenAUDIO-AUSGANGSLEISTUNG Indice Precauzioni DI SicurezzaTasto Standard impostazioni predefinite di Immagine Tasti DEL TelecomandoAttenzione Rischio DI Scossa ElettricaTasti DEL Pannello DI Controllo Della TV Connessioni Antenna Prima DI Accendere LA Vostra TV PreparazioneRegolazioni Iniziali Operare con il telecomando Menu SystemOperare con i tasti dellapparecchio Menu ImmagineMenu Caratter Visualizzare il menu Install Menu PROGRAMM. ProgrammazioneInformazioni sullo schermo Azzeramento del volumeAltre Funzioni Per visualizzare l’oraTelevideo Prima del collegamento di qualsiasi apparecchio Collegare GLI Apparecchi EsterniAV Frontale Italiano Consigli PAL Secam B/G L Caratteristiche TecnichePotenza Uscitaaudio Medidas DE Seguridad Botón standard Ajustes predeterminados de Imagen Botones DEL Mando a DistanciaPrecaucion Botones de control de VideoBotones DEL Panel DE Control Conexiones DE Antena Antes DE Encender SU TV Configuracion InicialPreparacion Encendido Y Apagado DE LA TVManejo mediante el Mando a Distancia Sistema DE MenusManejo con los botones de la TV Menú de ImagenMenú de características Menú de InstalaciónCuando usted entre en el menú del programa, todos los nú Seleccione el menú PROGRAMA. presionando los botonesÁbralo presionando los botones o Meros y nombres del programa se mostrarán en la pantallaInformación en la Pantalla Otras CaracteristicasSonido Mudo Para mostrar la HoraTeletexto Antes de conectar nada Conexión DE Aparatos ExternosAV Frontal Castellano Consejos Especificaciones Cable TV B/G S01-S41 / S75-S79 L S01-S41 / S75-S77Inhoud VeiligheidsmaatregelenToets Standard standaardinstellingen van Beeld AfstandsbedieningstoetsenLET OP VCR-bedieningstoetsenBedieningstoetsen op de TV Antenne-aansluitingen TV aan- en uitzetten VoorbereidingenVoordat u de TV aanzet BasisinstellingenBediening via de afstandsbediening MenusysteemBediening via de toetsen op het TV-toestel Menu BeeldMenu Kenmerk Menu Programeren Menu InstallatieTaal Informatie op het scherm Overige functiesGeluid uit Tijd laten weergevenTeletekst Externe apparatuur aansluiten Voordat u begint met aansluitenVia de RCA-aansluitingen Via de Euro-aansluitingAV-1 S-stand Via de ANT-aansluitbus antenne-aansluitingSpecificaties AUDIO-UITGANGSVERMOGENÍndice Medidas de SegurançaTecla Standard ajustes pré-definidos de Imagem TelecomandoAtenção Teclas para Teletexto VCRTeclas do Painel de Controlo Conexões da Antena Antes de ligar a Televisão Configuração InicialPreparação Acender a TelevisãoMenu da Imagem Sistema de MenuFuncionando com as teclas da TV Funcionando com o TelecomandoMenu das Características Menu de Programa Menu de InstalaçãoMostrar o menu de Instalação Informação no Ecrã Outras CaracterísticasMute Para mostrar a HoraTeletexto Ligaçao de Equipamentos Externos Frontal AV PortuguêsSugestões No Écran Dados TécnicosNúmero DE Canais PRE Sintonizados Potencia Saida Audio