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Commonly Used Acronyms
A list of acronyms used in this manual are defined for your convenience in the following table.
Acronym | Definition |
BRM | BusReceiver Module |
BSM | Bus Switching Module |
BTM | Bus TransmitterModule |
CPU | Central ProcessorUnit |
EPROM | ErasableProgrammable Read Only Memory |
GBC | Genius Bus Controller |
GHS | Genius Hot Standby Redundancy |
GMR | GeniusModularRedundancy |
HHM | Hand Held Monitor |
LED | Light EmittingDiode |
OI | Operator Interface |
PLC | ProgrammableLogicController |
PROM | Programmable Read±Only Memory |
RAM | RandomAccessMemory |
RCM | RedundancyCommunicationsModule |
PLD | RelayLadderDiagram |
SBA | Serial Bus Address |
SNP | Series 90 Protocol |
VME | VersaModule Europe: the backplane standard |
| used by the Series |
12 | Series |