replacement parts domestic orders A-1 international orders A-1
reset condition 5-1 reset errors 3-2 Reset Log test 8-12 Reset test 8-11
RF allocation 1-2
altering signals 1-1, 1-2 checking cables 7-1 transmission bursts 1-3
QuickComm feature 6-9 See Radio Service Software using 7-2
version A-5 workstation A-5
RSS workstation connecting to 6-8
safety information iii Sectored station 1-4
non-reset errors 3-2 reset errors 3-2
self-test procedures basic 5-1
Call Performance 5-13
ESN and IMEI Matching 6-5 Passcode 5-7
Programming Menu Settings Check 5-8
service messages 3-3
service, customer A-1 settings, menu 5-8
signal spectrum, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 1-2 signal, altering RF 1-1, 1-2
SIM card purpose 1-5 replacing 1-6
SIM Card Swap Test 5-3 slot number 1-4 specifications, model viii SQE Test 8-5
static-sensitive devices, protecting 7-1 strong-signal environments 7-1
See Time Division Multiple Access
technician tests Audio 8-10 BER 8-7
Codeplug Repair Procedure 6-9
Codeplug Troubleshooting 6-10
Engineering Debug Check 6-5 Keypad 8-9
Model Assembly (MA) Test Mode 8-13, 8-14 Power-Up 8-8
procedures 6-8 Registration/Call 8-4 Reset 8-11
Reset Log 8-12 SQE 8-5
TX Power 8-6
digital modulation 1-1 voice compression 1-3
test conditions 5-1 environments 7-1 modes 6-1, 8-1 procedures 8-1
test equipment A-4 calibrating 7-1 checking cables 7-1 preparing 7-1 R-2660 7-2 recommended A-4 reference accessories 4-1 reference unit 4-1 required 8-2
RSS 7-2
test mode 6-3, 8-1
test modes and procedures field level 8-1
testing mode displays 6-2
Accessory Swap 5-4 Audio 8-10 Audio Loopback 6-4 basic procedures 6-1 Battery Connections 5-5 BER 8-7
Call Performance 5-13 Codeplug Repair Procedure 6-9 Codeplug Troubleshooting 6-10 Engineering Debug Check 6-5 equipment preparation 7-1 ESN and IMEI Matching 6-5 Keypad 8-9
Lockup 5-4
Model Assembly (MA) Test Mode 8-13, 8-14 Passcode 5-7
Power-Up 8-8 preparing for 7-1
Programming Menu Settings Check 5-8 Registration/Call 8-4
Reset 8-11 Reset Log 8-12
See also mechanical checks