Whirlpool MFW 9700S 123456376468with liquid detergent64326%9894 %24, 35263, 1234567 35 37 5 67

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1234563925683Check electrical￿6￿source6￿￿or call electrician. Do not use an extension!"#38cord.￿￿4

Cycle will complete once extra suds are removed.

A single or bulky item may cause imbalance. Add more items

or redistribute the load. ￿453￿649￿32￿9%2￿3￿￿￿&￿623￿83 1234567￿2￿537￿9 357967￿

The washer must be level. The four feet should be properly installed, and the nuts should be tightened against the washer cabinet.

As water is drained from the washer, you may hear air being pulled through the pump. This happens during the end of

123925683'$draining￿863%%682￿￿￿￿3925. It￿￿is249normal￿￿￿￿￿6733￿46￿￿.￿3932423￿87￿39￿732￿￿￿73￿￿￿￿8￿

(56Refer￿&35to the￿￿265Installation￿￿73%￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Instructions3￿￿83￿69&2for￿ flooring

The plywood may extend underneath both washer and dryer to keep them at equal heights.

1234567￿ 3

￿ ￿35 37￿ ￿5 67 52

￿￿￿$requirements8634563%984￿9￿6￿￿78. 4Noise￿3%8￿7and￿￿423vibration￿￿34563￿￿may886￿be437reduced￿2%6￿2683by placing a piece of ¾" (19.1 mm) plywood underneath your washer.

Add the correct amounts of detergent, fabric softener or liquid chlorine bleach to the correct compartments. Add powdered or liquid color-safe bleach to the Main Wash compartment. Be sure to match powdered color-safe bleach with powdered detergent or match liquid color-safe bleach

123456376468with liquid detergent￿6￿4326%9894. ￿83￿￿34563￿￿886￿43%￿2￿4￿￿￿￿

Separator should be in the front position when using liquid detergent and in the back position when using powdered detergent.

12345679#￿73￿￿￿3￿69￿6345637￿￿83￿%6￿39￿4683￿26￿ Use$!663(863￿￿of non3￿2￿￿-HE￿￿3+,376468detergent3)￿￿83*92568￿6can￿4￿￿3cause a film residue which can

result in odor.

This washer has a tight seal to avoid water leaks. To avoid odors leave the door open to allow the washer to dry between uses.

￿92￿7 9 ￿85263438543￿ ￿￿63￿￿￿￿46￿3￿￿83834563￿￿￿&￿￿3￿97346￿￿236￿8359￿9256763￿￿￿3￿

￿￿68￿#73￿￿3Select￿976734563a 2cycle￿925392843%8with￿%68￿￿92568a￿￿￿higher￿spin speed.

A single item, bulky items, or overloading may cause imbalance. Add items or try to evenly distribute your wet laundry in the drum, and start a DRAIN/SPIN cycle. If the laundry is still wet, take half of the load out of the washer and try again.

￿53￿￿ 57969773764689￿ ￿92￿6￿￿434￿345637￿2%6￿268￿

For best results, add detergent to the detergent compartment. Do not add detergent to the washer drum.

Sort lint givers (towels, chenille) from lint takers (corduroy, synthetics)#￿73￿￿￿3￿￿.68Also￿￿9734563sort by 92568color. ￿

Do not overload the washer. The washer can be fully loaded, but not tightly packed. The wash load must be balanced. Lint can(56#￿73￿￿￿be￿&34563trapped3￿2636￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿in the53+,376468-load if overloaded￿6￿4￿3.

Was paper or tissue left in pockets?

Use enough detergent to remove lint and hold it in suspension. Use only HE detergent. Follow the manufacturer?s instructions to determine the amount of

123detergent￿￿￿8394683to use￿￿￿.7683459￿3￿./03￿12/(￿

Wash water colder than 60°F (15.6°C) may not completely $dissolve863￿￿￿3￿the2￿￿￿detergent393￿￿32%6673. 9253￿￿￿￿6￿

Powdered detergents may not dissolve well in a slow-speed cycle. For best results, use liquid detergent for slow-speed cycles such as Delicate, Silk, Wool, and Handwash.


Image 34
Contents Epic Forward Goals and ObjectivesTable of Contents Wiring Diagram Safety First GeneralModel Number Model & Serial Number DesignationsSerial Number Model & Serial Number Label Tech Sheet Locations Specifications Maytag Corporation Major Appliance Warranty Page 1234566541728919243 7937226757947867 93278675445627 75445627834473#678#87968258928 $4487968258928Electrician+ 1233456768479346724 2273$%&%*$% ,&## 2$&+1234546#2&%2$!#2 &-.0$$+&. /+2+$ &+&+$&#0 7878 388787 #$%2&&8$87Theory of Operation AIR Vent System Pressure Switch Motor Control Unit MCU TOUCHPAD/LED AssemblyCentral Control Unit CCU Drive MotorECO Valve Pump MotorSuspension System Door LOCK/SWITCH Assembly Heating Element Temperature SensorInterlock Switches 971771997 7271792869795947679476 42OFF56789797797998234567896358769795947 34628697959476794712345678938294587 Modifier6.7667656778667675694878594587 682 123455367892234563789345647 7397826739868934345$747 #5&61234567 Sturdy colorfast fabrics12345678935 888 88#$89777 8977897779 77 7#83783 Ordisconnect83783power### 35263 123456376468with liquid detergent64326%9894 %241234567 35 37 5 67 8312345674674 9728879Component Access Component LocationsRemoving the Console and the Touchpad / LED Assembly To remove the consoleTo remove the touchpad / LED assem- bly Door Lock/Switch Assembly Bellows Retaining Wire To remove the front panel and bellows To remove the door lock/switch as- semblyOn the next Remove the end of the dispenser tube from the bellows Removing the Flowmeter Removing the Detergent Dispenser Motor & Assembly To remove the detergent dispenser motorTo remove the detergent dispenser as- sembly Removing the Inlet Valves Removing the Central Control Unit Removing the Interference Filter Removing the Pressure Switch Removing the Motor Controller Wire Standoff To remove the temperature sensor Removing the Temperature Sensor Heating ElementTo remove the heating element Removing the Drain Pump Assembly Removing the Airtrap Removing AN Interlock Switch Rotate Switch Up Switch Holder Locking Tabs Removing the Drive Motor Pivot Stud Removing the TUB and Basket Assembly Align Tabs With Slots Support Weight While Removing Front Slot Front Holes Rear Half Of Tub Basket Front Half Of Tub Reassembly Notes Page Component Testing Water Level Setting Test PointsMotor & Switch Detergent DispenserTo test the door lock main switches To test the door switchTo test the door lock/unlock solenoids Drain Pump Motor Interference FilterTemperature Results Interlock Switch Diagnostic Guide DiagnosticsElectrostatic Discharge ESD Sensitive Electronics FAILURE/ERROR Display Codes Display Explanation and Recommended ProcedureLong Drain Motor Control Unit Error Dispenser Circuit Error CCU / Touchpad / LED Assembly Error Sud Starting the Test Mode Diagnostic TestTest Program Control Motor Continuity Test Water Temperature SensorManually Unlocking Door Lock System To reassemble CCU To remove the touchpad/LED assemblyTo remove Central Control Unit CCU To remove Motor Control Unit MCUTroubleshooting Chart ProblemDrum will Incorrect Page Wiring Diagram Page Product Specifications Warranty Information Sources United States