Whirlpool MFW 9600S, MFW 9700S manual 1233456768479346724, 2273

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12Once the bolt is loose, move it to the center of the hole and

completely pull out the bolt, including the plastic spacer

32covering the bolt.

Once all 4 bolts are removed discard bolt and spacers. Then pull the power cord through the opening of the rear panel and

42close the hole with the attached cap.

56789Close the bolt holes with the 4 transport bolt hole plugs.

If the washer is to be transported at a later date, call your local service center. To avoid suspension and structural damage to your washer, it must be properly set up for relocation by a certified technician.


￿2Make sure the washer drum is empty.

Attach the hose with the red color indicator to the Hot (left) inlet valve. Attaching the red coupling first makes it easier to tighten connection with pliers. Screw on coupling by hand

12until it is seated on the washer.

Attach the hose with the blue color indicator to the Cold (right) water inlet valve. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the washer.


32Using pliers, check the tightness of the hose couplings already56789attached to the washer.

Do not overtighten. Damage to the coupling can


Attach the hose with the red color indicator to the hot water faucet. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the


Attach the hose with the blue color indicator to the cold water faucet. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the washer.

￿2Using pliers, tighten the couplings with an additional two-thirds turn.


Do not overtighten. Damage to the coupling can result.

56Turn789on the water faucets and check for leaks.

Replace inlet hoses after 5 years of use to reduce the risk of hose failure. Record hose installation or replacement dates on the hoses for future reference.

Periodically inspect and replace hoses if bulges, kinks, cuts, wear, or leaks are found.

￿2￿6476847￿ 37￿2￿4

Proper routing of the drain hose protects your floors from damage due￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿to water leakage. Read and follow these instructions.

Gently pull the corrugated drain hose from the shipping clips.


Connect the drain hose form to the corrugated drain hose.

7￿￿$￿￿#8￿￿3￿￿4564￿8958￿￿￿￿￿￿%￿￿%￿￿￿￿￿224￿85785￿97￿￿5385354￿￿8554895￿￿8539￿￿97￿97￿￿745￿￿33￿5￿$8￿85￿39￿54354￿85￿97￿￿￿￿￿5￿3￿85￿39￿57￿￿5￿￿7￿5￿￿435￿￿7￿82￿￿2 ￿5￿3￿85745

Do not straighten the drain hose, and do not force excess drain hose into standpipe. Hose should be secure, but loose enough to provide a gap for air.

Do not lay excess hose on the bottom of the laundry tub.


You may need additional parts. See Floor drain under Tools and Parts.


Image 15
Contents Epic Goals and Objectives ForwardTable of Contents Wiring Diagram General Safety FirstModel & Serial Number Designations Model NumberSerial Number Model & Serial Number Label Tech Sheet Locations Specifications Maytag Corporation Major Appliance Warranty Page 79372 123456654172891924375445627834473 93278675445627 26757947867$4487968258928 #678#87968258928Electrician+ 2273 1233456768479346724$%&%*$% ,&## 2$&+1234546#2&%2$!#2 &-.0$$+&. /+2+$ &+&+$&#0 #$%2&&8$87 388787 7878Theory of Operation AIR Vent System Pressure Switch Drive Motor TOUCHPAD/LED AssemblyCentral Control Unit CCU Motor Control Unit MCUPump Motor ECO ValveSuspension System Heating Element Temperature Sensor Door LOCK/SWITCH AssemblyInterlock Switches 72717 971771997346286979594767947 42OFF56789797797998234567896358769795947 92869795947679476Modifier6.766765677866767 123456789382945875694878594587 7397826739868934345 123455367892234563789345647 682#5&6 $747Sturdy colorfast fabrics 123456712345678935 88#$ 88877 7# 8977897779 89777Ordisconnect83783power 83783### 123456376468with liquid detergent64326%9894 %24 352631234567 35 37 5 67 9728879 8312345674674Component Locations Component AccessTo remove the console Removing the Console and the Touchpad / LED AssemblyTo remove the touchpad / LED assem- bly Door Lock/Switch Assembly Bellows Retaining Wire To remove the door lock/switch as- sembly To remove the front panel and bellowsOn the next Remove the end of the dispenser tube from the bellows Removing the Flowmeter To remove the detergent dispenser motor Removing the Detergent Dispenser Motor & AssemblyTo remove the detergent dispenser as- sembly Removing the Inlet Valves Removing the Central Control Unit Removing the Interference Filter Removing the Pressure Switch Removing the Motor Controller Wire Standoff Removing the Temperature Sensor Heating Element To remove the temperature sensorTo remove the heating element Removing the Drain Pump Assembly Removing the Airtrap Removing AN Interlock Switch Rotate Switch Up Switch Holder Locking Tabs Removing the Drive Motor Pivot Stud Removing the TUB and Basket Assembly Align Tabs With Slots Support Weight While Removing Front Slot Front Holes Rear Half Of Tub Basket Front Half Of Tub Reassembly Notes Page Water Level Setting Test Points Component TestingDetergent Dispenser Motor & SwitchTo test the door switch To test the door lock main switchesTo test the door lock/unlock solenoids Interference Filter Drain Pump MotorTemperature Results Interlock Switch Diagnostics Diagnostic GuideElectrostatic Discharge ESD Sensitive Electronics Display Explanation and Recommended Procedure FAILURE/ERROR Display CodesLong Drain Motor Control Unit Error Dispenser Circuit Error CCU / Touchpad / LED Assembly Error Sud Diagnostic Test Starting the Test ModeTest Program Control Water Temperature Sensor Motor Continuity TestManually Unlocking Door Lock System To remove Motor Control Unit MCU To remove the touchpad/LED assemblyTo remove Central Control Unit CCU To reassemble CCUProblem Troubleshooting ChartDrum will Incorrect Page Wiring Diagram Page United States Product Specifications Warranty Information Sources