Whirlpool MFW 9700S, MFW 9600S manual 9327, 8675445627, 26757947867, 75445627834473, 4867627

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Companion appliance location requirements should also be


1234562789￿￿ 6 ￿￿￿75￿


Selecting the proper location for your washer improves




￿￿867￿54 ￿456278￿￿4367￿8￿2￿83￿ 52￿8

performance and minimizes noise and possible washer “walk.”

Your washer can be installed under a custom counter, or in a

￿7￿ 2 75




basement, laundry room, closet, or recessed area. See “Drain


The dimensions shown are for the recommended spacing.













considered.123456774899￿Proper installation is your responsibility.







































A water heater set to deliver 120 °F (49°C) water to the washer.

A grounded electrical outlet located within 6 ft (1.8 m) of where the power cord is attached to the back of the washer. See Electrical Requirements.

Hot and cold water faucets located within 4 ft (1.2 m) of the

9￿32￿￿￿7￿￿￿867 54￿￿456278￿￿4367￿8￿2￿8￿￿3￿￿￿￿￿82￿8

hot and cold water fill valves, and water pressure of

3￿2￿￿5867 54 45627￿8￿65￿ 2￿8￿65￿ ￿5848￿￿￿￿￿54￿

20-100 psi (137.9-689.6 kPa).

The￿9￿9dimensions￿￿9￿4￿￿9￿42shown￿4￿72￿9are￿468for￿￿￿77the￿￿62844recommended spacing.

A level floor with a maximum slope of 1" (2.5 cm) under entire


washer. Installing the washer on soft floor surfaces, such as


carpets or surfaces with foam backing, is not recommended.


A sturdy and solid floor to support the washer with a total


weight (water and load) of 400 lbs (180 kg).


Do not operate your washer in temperatures below 32 °F (0°C).


Additional spacing of 1" (2.5 cm) on all sides of the washer is

Some water can remain in the washer and can cause damage in


low temperatures.


The location must be large enough to allow the washer door

to be fully opened.

Additional spacing should be considered for ease of

installation and servicing.

Additional clearances might be required for wall, door, and

floor moldings.


recommended to reduce noise transfer.




Companion appliance spacing should also be considered.





Image 12
Contents Epic Forward Goals and ObjectivesTable of Contents Wiring Diagram Safety First GeneralModel & Serial Number Designations Model NumberSerial Number Model & Serial Number Label Tech Sheet Locations Specifications Maytag Corporation Major Appliance Warranty Page 1234566541728919243 793729327 867544562726757947867 75445627834473#678#87968258928 $4487968258928Electrician+ 1233456768479346724 2273$%&%*$% ,&## 2$&+1234546#2&%2$!#2 &-.0$$+&. /+2+$ &+&+$&#0 388 7877878 #$%2&&8$87Theory of Operation AIR Vent System Pressure Switch TOUCHPAD/LED Assembly Central Control Unit CCUMotor Control Unit MCU Drive MotorPump Motor ECO ValveSuspension System Heating Element Temperature Sensor Door LOCK/SWITCH AssemblyInterlock Switches 971771997 7271742OFF5678979779799 823456789635876979594792869795947679476 346286979594767947Modifier6.766765677866767 123456789382945875694878594587 123455367892234563789 345647682 7397826739868934345$747 #5&61234567 Sturdy colorfast fabrics12345678935 888 88#$8977 89777989777 77 7#Ordisconnect83783power 83783### 123456376468with liquid detergent64326%9894 %24 352631234567 35 37 5 67 8312345674674 9728879Component Access Component LocationsRemoving the Console and the Touchpad / LED Assembly To remove the consoleTo remove the touchpad / LED assem- bly Door Lock/Switch Assembly Bellows Retaining Wire To remove the door lock/switch as- sembly To remove the front panel and bellowsOn the next Remove the end of the dispenser tube from the bellows Removing the Flowmeter Removing the Detergent Dispenser Motor & Assembly To remove the detergent dispenser motorTo remove the detergent dispenser as- sembly Removing the Inlet Valves Removing the Central Control Unit Removing the Interference Filter Removing the Pressure Switch Removing the Motor Controller Wire Standoff Removing the Temperature Sensor Heating Element To remove the temperature sensorTo remove the heating element Removing the Drain Pump Assembly Removing the Airtrap Removing AN Interlock Switch Rotate Switch Up Switch Holder Locking Tabs Removing the Drive Motor Pivot Stud Removing the TUB and Basket Assembly Align Tabs With Slots Support Weight While Removing Front Slot Front Holes Rear Half Of Tub Basket Front Half Of Tub Reassembly Notes Page Component Testing Water Level Setting Test PointsMotor & Switch Detergent DispenserTo test the door switch To test the door lock main switchesTo test the door lock/unlock solenoids Drain Pump Motor Interference FilterTemperature Results Interlock Switch Diagnostics Diagnostic GuideElectrostatic Discharge ESD Sensitive Electronics FAILURE/ERROR Display Codes Display Explanation and Recommended ProcedureLong Drain Motor Control Unit Error Dispenser Circuit Error CCU / Touchpad / LED Assembly Error Sud Diagnostic Test Starting the Test ModeTest Program Control Water Temperature Sensor Motor Continuity TestManually Unlocking Door Lock System To remove the touchpad/LED assembly To remove Central Control Unit CCUTo reassemble CCU To remove Motor Control Unit MCUTroubleshooting Chart ProblemDrum will Incorrect Page Wiring Diagram Page Product Specifications Warranty Information Sources United States