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The dimensions shown are for the recommended spacing.
*Min. top and bottom air openings for closet door. **External exhaust elbow requires additional space.
***Wall, door and floor molding may require additional spacing.
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The dimensions shown are for the recommended spacing.
For cabinet installation, with a door, the minimum ventilation openings in the top are required.
The washer can be installed using the standpipe drain system (floor or wall), the laundry tub drain system, or the floor drain system. Select the drain hose installation method you need. See ?Tools and Parts. ?
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The standpipe drain requires a minimum diameter standpipe of 2" (5 cm). The minimum
The top of the standpipe must be at least 30" (76.2 cm) high and no higher than 96" (2.4 m) from the bottom of the washer.
The laundry tub needs a minimum 20 gal. (76 L) capacity. The top of the laundry tub must be at least 30" (76.2 cm) above the floor.
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The floor drain system requires a siphon break that may be purchased separately. See Tools and Parts.
The siphon break must be a minimum of 28" (71 cm) from the bottom of the washer. Additional hoses might be needed.