Whirlpool MFW 9700S, MFW 9600S manual 971771997, 72717

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123456The panel shown above may be different from that of your model.

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To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, read the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before operating this appliance.

The following is a guide to using your washer. Please refer to specific sections of this manual for more detailed information.

Do not store laundry additives on the top surface of this washer. Vibration is normal during operation.


Use only High Efficiency detergents. The package for this type of detergent will be marked “HE” or “High Efficiency. ” This wash system, along with less water, will create too much sudsing with a regular non-HE detergent. Using regular detergent will likely result in washer errors, longer cycle times and reduced rinsing performance. It may also result in component failures and noticeable mold or mildew. HE detergents are made to produce the right amount of suds for the best performance. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to determine the amount of detergent to use.



Before washing clothes for the first time, if not completed during the final installation step, choose the Normal/Casual cycle and

1run2it without clothes. Use only HE High Efficiency detergent. Use

/the manufacturer?s recommended amount for a medium-size load. This initial cycle serves to ensure the interior is clean before washing clothes.


Open the washer door by pulling on the handle. Sort laundry according to color and type of fabric. Place a load of sorted clothes in the washer. Do not overload washer. Overloading can cause poor cleaning.

The washer can be fully loaded, but not tightly packed. Washer door should close easily.

Mix large and small items and avoid washing single items. Load evenly.

It is recommended that you wash small items such as infant socks in a mesh garment bag.

When unloading garments, occasionally check under the

￿￿rubber rim at the front of the tub for small items.

Close the washer door by pushing it firmly until the lock clicks. The washer door will remain locked during the wash cycle.12345

After any wash cycle is completed, the door must be opened and then closed before a new cycle can begin. The door can be opened only if PAUSE/OFF is selected while the ADD A GARMENT light is glowing or if the cycle has been canceled. See ?To cancel a cycle. ?

Open the dispenser drawer and add laundry additives to the detergent, bleach, or fabric softener compartments. Close

￿￿drawer slowly to avoid spills. See ?Using the Dispenser.?

Turn on the washer by selecting CONTROL ON. Select one of the cycles by turning the cycle selector. The indicator light for the selected cycle will glow. When selecting a wash cycle, the preset Options, Water Temp, Spin Speed, and Soil Level for the selected cycle will glow. The display shows the estimated time remaining. The preset settings provide the recommended fabric care for the selected cycle. See


Select the desired Options, such as Prewash, Auto Soak, Extra Rinse and Rinse Hold. Not all options are available with all cycles. See ?Options.?


Image 24
Contents Epic Forward Goals and ObjectivesTable of Contents Wiring Diagram Safety First GeneralModel & Serial Number Designations Model NumberSerial Number Model & Serial Number Label Tech Sheet Locations Specifications Maytag Corporation Major Appliance Warranty Page 1234566541728919243 793729327 867544562726757947867 75445627834473#678#87968258928 $4487968258928Electrician+ 1233456768479346724 2273$%&%*$% ,&## 2$&+1234546#2&%2$!#2 &-.0$$+&. /+2+$ &+&+$&#0 388 7877878 #$%2&&8$87Theory of Operation AIR Vent System Pressure Switch TOUCHPAD/LED Assembly Central Control Unit CCUMotor Control Unit MCU Drive MotorPump Motor ECO ValveSuspension System Heating Element Temperature Sensor Door LOCK/SWITCH AssemblyInterlock Switches 971771997 7271742OFF5678979779799 823456789635876979594792869795947679476 346286979594767947Modifier6.766765677866767 123456789382945875694878594587 123455367892234563789 345647682 7397826739868934345$747 #5&61234567 Sturdy colorfast fabrics12345678935 888 88#$8977 89777989777 77 7#Ordisconnect83783power 83783### 123456376468with liquid detergent64326%9894 %24 352631234567 35 37 5 67 8312345674674 9728879Component Access Component LocationsRemoving the Console and the Touchpad / LED Assembly To remove the consoleTo remove the touchpad / LED assem- bly Door Lock/Switch Assembly Bellows Retaining Wire To remove the door lock/switch as- sembly To remove the front panel and bellowsOn the next Remove the end of the dispenser tube from the bellows Removing the Flowmeter Removing the Detergent Dispenser Motor & Assembly To remove the detergent dispenser motorTo remove the detergent dispenser as- sembly Removing the Inlet Valves Removing the Central Control Unit Removing the Interference Filter Removing the Pressure Switch Removing the Motor Controller Wire Standoff Removing the Temperature Sensor Heating Element To remove the temperature sensorTo remove the heating element Removing the Drain Pump Assembly Removing the Airtrap Removing AN Interlock Switch Rotate Switch Up Switch Holder Locking Tabs Removing the Drive Motor Pivot Stud Removing the TUB and Basket Assembly Align Tabs With Slots Support Weight While Removing Front Slot Front Holes Rear Half Of Tub Basket Front Half Of Tub Reassembly Notes Page Component Testing Water Level Setting Test PointsMotor & Switch Detergent DispenserTo test the door switch To test the door lock main switchesTo test the door lock/unlock solenoids Drain Pump Motor Interference FilterTemperature Results Interlock Switch Diagnostics Diagnostic GuideElectrostatic Discharge ESD Sensitive Electronics FAILURE/ERROR Display Codes Display Explanation and Recommended ProcedureLong Drain Motor Control Unit Error Dispenser Circuit Error CCU / Touchpad / LED Assembly Error Sud Diagnostic Test Starting the Test ModeTest Program Control Water Temperature Sensor Motor Continuity TestManually Unlocking Door Lock System To remove the touchpad/LED assembly To remove Central Control Unit CCUTo reassemble CCU To remove Motor Control Unit MCUTroubleshooting Chart ProblemDrum will Incorrect Page Wiring Diagram Page Product Specifications Warranty Information Sources United States