Maytag MAH-3 operating instructions iMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS

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I. Read all instructions before using the appliance,

2.As with any equipment using electricity and having moving parts, there are potential hazards. To use this appliance

safely, the operator should become familiar with the

instructions for operation of the appliance and always exercise care when using it.

3.Do not install or store this appliance where it will be exposed to the weather.

4.Install and level the clothes washer on a floor that can support the weight.

5.This appliance must be properly grounded. Never plug the appliance cord into a receptacle which is not ground- ed adequately and in accordance with local and national

codes. See installation instructions for grounding this appliance.

6.To avoid the possibility of fire or explosion:

*Do not wash items that have been previously cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive substances as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode. Hand wash and line dry any items containing these substances.

Any material on which you have used a cleaning solvent, or which is saturated with flammable liquids or solids, should not be placed in the clothes washer until all traces of these liquids or solids and their fumes have been removed.

These items include acetone, denatured alcohol, gaso- line, kerosene, some liquid household cleaners, some spot removers, turpentine, waxes and wax removers.

Do not add gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive substances to the wash water. These substances give off vapors that could ignite or explode.

Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot water system that has not been used for 2 weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system has not been used for such a period, before using a washing machine or combination washer-dryer, turn on all hot water faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This will

release any accumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame during this time.

7.Unplug power supply cord before attempting to service your clothes washen

8.Do not reach into the appliance if the tumbler is moving.

Do not allow children to play on or in the appliance.

Close supervision of children is necessary when the appli- ance is used near children.

10.Do not tamper with controls.

II.Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or

attempt any servicing unless specifically recommended in

published user-repair instructions that you understand and have the skills to carry out.

12.Store laundry aids and other material in a cool, dry place where children cannot reach them.

13.Do not wash or dry items that are soiled with vegetable or cooking oil.These items may contain some oil after laundering. Due to the remaining oil, the fabric may smoke or catch fire by itself.

14.Do not use chlorine bleach and ammonia or acids (such as vinegar or rust remover) in the same wash. Hazardous fumes can form.

15.Do not machine wash fiberglass materials. Small particles

can stick to fabrics washed in following loads and cause skin irritation.

16.Before the appliance is removed from service or discard- ed, remove the door to the washing compartment.

17.Do not sit on top of the clothes washer.

18.inlet hoses are subject to damage and deterioration over time. Check the hoses periodically for bulges, kinks, cuts, wear or leaks and replace them every five years.


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Contents ABLE InstructionsOperating OF CONTENTSIf you havequestions,call MPORTANT SAFETY JNSTRUCTUONSU.S.A. customers using TTY for deaf, hearing impaired or speech SAV£ THESE NSTRUTJON$iMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS iNSTRUCTIONS Contm! features vary by model washerdoorw remainlockedforyoursafetyllStep ISNG THE CONTROLSMaxot PUo Control features vary by modelStep Step Stepi I SNG THE CONTROLS ChimeCycle SUNG THE CONTROLSChanging a Cycle Cycebe unlocked by pressing the Cycle Selector dial to pause the washer Contro! features vary by modelbe in place before starting the washer DO OVrlad...................................................ngilETERGENT USE sort carefullybycolorandso llevelandavoidline= iiiIEATURESARE AND CLEANUNG TORING THE CLOTHES WASHER supplyCycle incoming CHECKTHESE POmNTS F YOUR WASHER$oution SymbolROUBLESHOOTING MeaningWarranties LOTHES WASHER WARRANTYTo Obtain Warranty Service Canada J-800-688-2002y Cuidado ABLEDES MATIF.RES de UsoPour information sur e service et CORSERVER CE$ INSTRUCTIONSNSTRUCTUONSDE SFCURUTFIMPORTANTES I. Liseztoutes les instructions avant dutiliserlappareil Pour viter les risques dincendieou dexposionIINSTRUCTIONS DE SECURUTEIMPORTANTES OD E DEM PLOI Etape TILISATION DES COMMANDESF Jars du tin,age DES COMMANDESEt a p e i TILISATIONHeavy Tr&s sale - s*utilise pour le linge tr&s encrass6 Les caract6ristiques des commandes varient selon Jemod6leEtape TUUSATUON DES COMMANDESiONSOMMATUONDEAU 2.Remplissez les compartiments appropri6s dadditifs tiez la taveuse e marche, ouvrez P$ edisribueur au¢oma¢i¢lue ors¢lue a aveuse est en marche Pour vous er servirsans danger pour les coueurs darts le Ne versez JAMAI$ de tagent debianchiment chlor liquide non dilu versez pas dagent de blanchimentNTRETEN ET NETTOYAGEJintrieur iIIIIIIECHERCHEDE PANNES cyclelavage laveuse VERmFmEZ CE$ POmNT$ AVEC VOTRELAVEUSE la laveuse$olueion Sy bo ecode $ignificaeionARANTE DE LA LAVEUSE 33-34 ABLAMATERIAS sobreSucompJetasatisfaca6nesmuyimportante NSTRUCaONES nMPORTANTESOBRESEGURUDADCONSFRVF FSTA$ INSTRUCCIONF$ compradeunalavadoraHaytagNeptunesi soa mismo y usado siempre con precaud6n3. No lave o seque artlculos que est6n manchados con aceite vegetal o de codna. Los mismos pueden retenerNSTRUCCUONES DE FUNCiONAMIENTO la mpo e! pretrdtdmiento de mGnchGs, etcuna serie de ruidos como chasquidos para verificar el ControP PasoLas camcteristicas de control varian segn el model Seleccione e cico apropiado para el tipo de cargacuando se usan los ajustes de temperature con ATC il DE LOS CONTROLESPose Los caracteristicas de contro! varian segn eJmodelSO DE LOS CONTROLES PasoCambio de dco I SO DE LOS CONTROLESPaso Las caracteristicas de control varian segm el modeJode centrifugado de Lavado/EniuagueSpeed veo¢idadquido SO DEL DETERGENTEcompartimiento de blanqueador. No sobrepase la linea de llenado NoTAsBlanqueador %uido con cloro solamente I.ASada blanqueador con cloro en ellavadora UUDADO Y UMPUEZAsumin LMACENAMUENTO DE LA LAVADORADE ROPA OCALZACN Y SOLUC6N DE AVERAScico OCALZACON Y SOLUCON DE AVERASL!rY p e ma mer! do$ignificado OCAUZACUON Y SOLUCUON DE AVERAS$i bolo de C6digoMaytag ServicessM Attn CAIR Center RO. Box Cleveland,TN Para recibir Servido Bao la GarantiaI 800688o2.002. Canad