Ariston ASL70C manual Programmes, Programme What it does How to set it

Page 5

Start and Programmes


!If the On/Off light is not lit; Press the ON/OFF button and then select programme.


What it does...

How to set it...







Brief programme (approximately

1. Position the PROGRAMMES knob

! This is not a drying


10 minutes) that softens fibres of




programme (see previous


clothing that is ready for ironing.

2. Select any options if required.






3. Press the START button.

Options available:













Dries your clothes on High Heat


Position the PROGRAMMES knob

Options available:


setting, ready for putting away.


on 3.


Alarm, Delayed Start,




Select any options if required.




Post Creasecare.




Press the START button.







Dries your clothes on High Heat

1. Position the PROGRAMMES knob

Options available:


setting, ready for hanging.


on 2.


Alarm, Delayed Start,



2. Select any options if required.




Post Creasecare.



3. Press the START button.








Dries your clothes on Low Heat


Position the PROGRAMMES knob

Options available:


setting, ready for putting away.


on 1.


Alarm, Delayed Start,




Select any options if required.




Post Creasecare.




Press the START button.






Timed Drying

Dries wet clothing that you wish

1. Position the PROGRAMMES knob

Options available:

(160, 140, 120,

to dry on Low Heat or small


on the desired time: 160, 140, 120,

Alarm, High Heat, Delayed

loads (less than 1kg).


100, 90, 70, 60, 50, 40 or 30.

Start, Pre-Creasecare,

100, 90, 70, 60,



Post Creasecare.

50, 40 or 30


2. Select any options if required.




Can be used with High Heat

3. Press the START button.

Consult ‘suggested drying



option if you prefer to use a




times’ (see Laundry).







timed programme.




The last 10 minutes of these






programmes is the Cool






Tumble phase, see below.






Cool Tumble

Brief programme (approximately


Position the PROGRAMMES knob

Options available:


10 minutes) that cools fibres of








Select any options if required.








Press the START button.


















Start and








Warnings and
















Image 5
Contents Tumble Dryer Instruction bookletWhere to put your dryer InstallationBefore you start using your dryer Door Reversal InstructionsDryer Description To open the door FeaturesControl panel Empty WaterChoosing a programme Start and ProgrammesEasy Iron Programme FabricProgrammes Programme What it does How to set itControls Typical load LaundrySorting your laundry Drying times Special clothing itemsRecycling and disposal information General safetyDisposal of old electrical appliances Saving energy and respecting the environmentMaintenance and Care Problem Possible causes / Solution TroubleshootingBefore calling the Service Centre ServiceWhat to tell the Service Centre Comparative ProgrammesLibretto di istruzioni Dove installare l’asciugatrice InstallazioneIstruzioni per invertire la posizione dello sportello Collegamento elettricoPer aprire lo sportello Descrizione del prodottoCaratteristiche Pannello di controlloScelta del programma Avvio e programmiProgramma di stiratura facile TessutoProgramma Funzione Impostazione Nota ProgrammiCotone SinteticiComandi Controllo del bucato BucatoCarico tipo Indumenti non adatti al trattamento di asciugaturaTempi di asciugatura Tessuti particolariSintetici Bassa temperatura Acrilico Bassa temperaturaSicurezza Avvertenze e suggerimentiOriginali vedere la sezione Assistenza Dismissione degli elettrodomesticiScollegamento dell’apparecchio dalla Pulizia del Tamburo Cura e manutenzionePulizia del filtro dopo ogni ciclo Pulizia dell’unità di condensazioneRicerca guasti Problema Possibili cause / SoluzioniProgrammi Comparativi AssistenzaPrima di chiamare il centro di Assistenza RicambiDescription du sèche-linge Que faire en cas de panne Service Après-venteDémarrage et programmes LingeInstructions d’inversion de la porte Où installer votre sèche-lingeConnexions électriques Avant de commencer à utiliser votre sèche-lingePour ouvrir la porte Description du sèche-lingeCaractéristiques Guide de SéchageChoisir un programme Démarrage et ProgrammesProgramme de Repassage Facile TextileSynthétiques Programme Ce qu’il faitRemarque Remarque Les commandesOuverture de la Porte Charge typique LingeTrier votre linge Temps de séchage Vêtements spéciauxLes Couvertures et Dessus de lits articles en Synthétiques Basse température température douceSécurité Générale Avertissements et SuggestionsInformation recyclage et enlèvement de nos produits Économiser de l’énergie et respecter l’environnementEntretien et Nettoyage Problème Causes possibles / SolutionQue faire en cas de panne Avant d’appeler le Centre de Service Après-Vente Service Après-VenteProgrammes Comparatifs Pièces de RechangeBedienungsanleitung Aufstellung des Wäschetrockners InstallierungWechseln des Türanschlages Tür öffnen Beschreibung Ihres WäschetrocknersAufbau BedienblendeProgrammauswahl Start und ProgrammeProgramm für ein Leichtbügeln GewebeartProgramme Funktion Einstellung Hinweis ProgrammeDie Bedielemente Typische Ladung GewebeartTipps zum Sortieren Ihrer Wäsche Erforderlich ist Artikel, bei denen besondere SorgfaltDecken und Bettüberwürfe Artikel aus Acrylfasern Gestärkte Kleidungsstücke Solche Artikel nichtAllgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Warnhinweise und EmpfehlungenRecycling- & Entsorgungsinformationen Entsorgung von ElektroaltgerätenWartung und Pflege Fehlersuche Problem Mögliche Ursache / LösungProgramme für Vergleichstests KundendienstBevor Sie den autorisierten Kundendiens anrufen ErsatzteileFolleto de instrucciones Instrucciones para invertir la puerta InstalaciónDónde instalar la secadora Conexiones eléctricasPara abrir la puerta Descripción de la secadoraPanel de control CaracterísticasSeleccionar un programa Comienzo y ProgramasPrograma de planchado fácil TejidoPrograma Qué hace Qué programa Nota ProgramasControles Carga típica La coladaClasificar la colada Tiempos de secado Prendas especialesSintéticos Poco suave calor 40-50 50-70 70-90 Acrílicos Poco suave calorSeguridad general Advertencias y recomendacionesEliminación del electrodoméstico viejo Ahorro energético y respeto del medio ambienteMantenimiento y cuidados Problema Posibles causas / Solución Resolución de problemasComparación de Programas ServicioAntes de llamar al centro de servicio técnico Piezas de repuestoFolheto de instruções Instalação Para abrir a porta Descrição da máquina de secarPainel de controlo Guia de SecagemEscolher um programa Arranque e ProgramasPrograma Engoma fácil Desligue a secadoraTemporizada Programa Que faz Como defini-lo NotaControlos Escolher a sua roupa RoupaCarga máxima Etiquetas de cuidado na lavagemTempos de secagem Peças delicadasSegurança Geral Avisos e SugestõesDesligue a máquina retirando a ficha e não puxando o fio Recolha dos electrodomésticosManutenção e Cuidado Problema Causas possíveis / Solução Resolução de problemasProgramas Comparativos ReparaçãoAntes de contactar o Centro de Serviços Peças sobressalentesGebruiksaanwijzing Het omdraaien van de deur InstallatieHet plaatsen van de droogautomaat Elektrische aansluitingenHet openen van de deur Beschrijving van de droogautomaatBedieningspaneel KenmerkenEen programma kiezen Start en programma’sProgramma Gemakkelijk strijken StofBeschikbare opties Programma’sProgramma Wat het doet Hoe in te stellen Opmerkingen De Bedieningen Wasgoed DroogsymbolenHet wasgoed sorteren Normale beladingDroogtijden Speciaal wasgoedMoeten voorzichtig gedroogd worden op Lage Geplooide of rimpelde kleding controleer deAlgemene veiligheidsinstructies Veiligheidsinstructies en waarschuwingenInformatie over recyclage en verwijdering Vernietiging van oude electrische apparatenReiniging en onderhoud Probleem Mogelijke oorzaken / Oplossing Problemen oplossenDroger start niet Start en programma’sVergelijkende programma’s Technische dienstVoor u de technische dienst belt Reserveonderdelen
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Manual 84 pages 7.55 Kb