Ariston ASL70C manual Controls

Page 6

Start and Programmes


The Controls












! Warning, if after pressing the start button, the



programmes knob position has changed, the new


position will NOT change the programme selected.


! Position 0, turning the knob to position 0 resets and


cancels a programme.




OPTION buttons / lights



These buttons are used to customise the selected


programme to your requirements. A programme must


have been selected on the programmes knob before


an option can be selected. Not all options are available


for all programmes (see Start and Programmes). If an


option is not available and you press the button, the


buzzer will beep four times. If the option is available


there will be one beep and the option light next to the


button lights to confirm the selection.



Progress ( Drying,

Cool Tumble,


Creasecare) / Delay (3hr, 6hr, 9hr, 12hr) Lights

When the light next to the delay button is on, these lights flash to indicate the delay time is selected. During other programmes they indicate the progress of the dryer, each one comes on as the corresponding phase starts.

Time Delay

The start of some programmes (see Start and Programmes) can be delayed for up to 12 hours in 3hr steps. Ensure the water bottle is emptied before setting a delayed start.

When a delayed start is in progress the light next to the delay button will be on and the selected delay period light will flash (after the start button has been pressed). To set a delayed start, press the Time Delay button, and the light next to the button will come on together with the 3hr delay light. Pressing the button again will advance the delay setting to 6hr, the 3hr light goes out and the 6hr light is on. Each time you press the button the delay setting advances 3 hours, as indicated by the corresponding light. If the 12hr light is on, pressing the button again will cancel the delay.

You can also cancel the delay by turning the programmes knob to 0, wait for the buzzer to beep and then turn back to your selected programme.

Pre Creasecare

When a delayed start has been selected the clothes are tumbled occasionally during the delayed period to help prevent creases developing.

High Heat

When available this button selects high heat. Press this button and a high heat setting is selected and the light alongside the button comes on. Timed programmes have a default of low heat, if the light alongside the button is on then pressing the button selects a low heat setting and the light goes out.


Available on all programmes and allows the buzzer to give a signal at the end of the drying cycle, to remind you that the clothes are ready to be removed.

Press the button and the light will show that the option is selected.

Post Creasecare

The clothes are occasionally tumbled after the end of the drying and cool tumble cycles, to help prevent creases developing should you not be available to remove the load immediately the programme is complete.

Empty Water Light / Container

(If you have plumbed your dryer to a drain this light can be ignored, as there is no need to empty the water container).

When this light is on (not flashing) it reminds you to empty the water container.

If the water container fills during a programme, the heater turns off and the dryer does a period of Cool Tumble then the light flashes and the buzzer sounds. After this it stops and all 3 progress lights and the 3hr delay light come on and the empty water light flashes. You must empty the water container and restart the dryer or the clothes will not dry. After re-starting the dryer, the light will take a few seconds to go out.

To avoid this always empty the water container each time you use the dryer (see Maintenance).

Door Opening

Opening the door during a programme will stop the dryer and have the following effects:

All 3 progress lights and the 3hr delay light come on.

During a delay phase the delay will continue to count down. The start button must be pressed to resume the delay programme.

One of the delay lights will flash to show the current delay setting.

The start button must be pressed to resume the programme. The progress lights will change to show the current status.

During the cool tumble or post creasecare phase of a drying programme and anytime during an Airing or Cool Tumble programme, the programme will finish. Pressing the start button will re-start a new programme at the beginning.

Changing the programmes knob will select a new programme, after you press the start button. You can use this to select the Cool Tumble programme to cool the clothes, if you find them dry enough.


If you have a power cut, switch off the power or remove the plug, press the START button and the programme will resume.


Image 6
Contents Instruction booklet Tumble DryerBefore you start using your dryer InstallationWhere to put your dryer Door Reversal InstructionsControl panel To open the door FeaturesDryer Description Empty WaterEasy Iron Programme Start and ProgrammesChoosing a programme FabricProgramme What it does How to set it ProgrammesControls Laundry Sorting your laundryTypical load Special clothing items Drying timesDisposal of old electrical appliances General safetyRecycling and disposal information Saving energy and respecting the environmentMaintenance and Care Troubleshooting Problem Possible causes / SolutionWhat to tell the Service Centre ServiceBefore calling the Service Centre Comparative ProgrammesLibretto di istruzioni Istruzioni per invertire la posizione dello sportello InstallazioneDove installare l’asciugatrice Collegamento elettricoCaratteristiche Descrizione del prodottoPer aprire lo sportello Pannello di controlloProgramma di stiratura facile Avvio e programmiScelta del programma TessutoCotone ProgrammiProgramma Funzione Impostazione Nota SinteticiComandi Carico tipo BucatoControllo del bucato Indumenti non adatti al trattamento di asciugaturaSintetici Bassa temperatura Tessuti particolariTempi di asciugatura Acrilico Bassa temperaturaOriginali vedere la sezione Assistenza Avvertenze e suggerimentiSicurezza Dismissione degli elettrodomesticiPulizia del filtro dopo ogni ciclo Cura e manutenzioneScollegamento dell’apparecchio dalla Pulizia del Tamburo Pulizia dell’unità di condensazioneProblema Possibili cause / Soluzioni Ricerca guastiPrima di chiamare il centro di Assistenza AssistenzaProgrammi Comparativi RicambiDémarrage et programmes Que faire en cas de panne Service Après-venteDescription du sèche-linge LingeConnexions électriques Où installer votre sèche-lingeInstructions d’inversion de la porte Avant de commencer à utiliser votre sèche-lingeCaractéristiques Description du sèche-lingePour ouvrir la porte Guide de SéchageProgramme de Repassage Facile Démarrage et ProgrammesChoisir un programme TextileProgramme Ce qu’il fait RemarqueSynthétiques Les commandes Ouverture de la PorteRemarque Linge Trier votre lingeCharge typique Les Couvertures et Dessus de lits articles en Vêtements spéciauxTemps de séchage Synthétiques Basse température température douceInformation recyclage et enlèvement de nos produits Avertissements et SuggestionsSécurité Générale Économiser de l’énergie et respecter l’environnementEntretien et Nettoyage Causes possibles / Solution Que faire en cas de panneProblème Programmes Comparatifs Service Après-VenteAvant d’appeler le Centre de Service Après-Vente Pièces de RechangeBedienungsanleitung Installierung Wechseln des TüranschlagesAufstellung des Wäschetrockners Aufbau Beschreibung Ihres WäschetrocknersTür öffnen BedienblendeProgramm für ein Leichtbügeln Start und ProgrammeProgrammauswahl GewebeartProgramme Programme Funktion Einstellung HinweisDie Bedielemente Gewebeart Tipps zum Sortieren Ihrer WäscheTypische Ladung Decken und Bettüberwürfe Artikel aus Acrylfasern Artikel, bei denen besondere SorgfaltErforderlich ist Gestärkte Kleidungsstücke Solche Artikel nichtRecycling- & Entsorgungsinformationen Warnhinweise und EmpfehlungenAllgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Entsorgung von ElektroaltgerätenWartung und Pflege Problem Mögliche Ursache / Lösung FehlersucheBevor Sie den autorisierten Kundendiens anrufen KundendienstProgramme für Vergleichstests ErsatzteileFolleto de instrucciones Dónde instalar la secadora InstalaciónInstrucciones para invertir la puerta Conexiones eléctricasPanel de control Descripción de la secadoraPara abrir la puerta CaracterísticasPrograma de planchado fácil Comienzo y ProgramasSeleccionar un programa TejidoProgramas Programa Qué hace Qué programa NotaControles La colada Clasificar la coladaCarga típica Sintéticos Poco suave calor Prendas especialesTiempos de secado 40-50 50-70 70-90 Acrílicos Poco suave calorEliminación del electrodoméstico viejo Advertencias y recomendacionesSeguridad general Ahorro energético y respeto del medio ambienteMantenimiento y cuidados Resolución de problemas Problema Posibles causas / SoluciónAntes de llamar al centro de servicio técnico ServicioComparación de Programas Piezas de repuestoFolheto de instruções Instalação Painel de controlo Descrição da máquina de secarPara abrir a porta Guia de SecagemPrograma Engoma fácil Arranque e ProgramasEscolher um programa Desligue a secadoraPrograma Que faz Como defini-lo Nota TemporizadaControlos Carga máxima RoupaEscolher a sua roupa Etiquetas de cuidado na lavagemPeças delicadas Tempos de secagemDesligue a máquina retirando a ficha e não puxando o fio Avisos e SugestõesSegurança Geral Recolha dos electrodomésticosManutenção e Cuidado Resolução de problemas Problema Causas possíveis / SoluçãoAntes de contactar o Centro de Serviços ReparaçãoProgramas Comparativos Peças sobressalentesGebruiksaanwijzing Het plaatsen van de droogautomaat InstallatieHet omdraaien van de deur Elektrische aansluitingenBedieningspaneel Beschrijving van de droogautomaatHet openen van de deur KenmerkenProgramma Gemakkelijk strijken Start en programma’sEen programma kiezen StofProgramma’s Programma Wat het doet Hoe in te stellen OpmerkingenBeschikbare opties De Bedieningen Het wasgoed sorteren DroogsymbolenWasgoed Normale beladingMoeten voorzichtig gedroogd worden op Lage Speciaal wasgoedDroogtijden Geplooide of rimpelde kleding controleer deInformatie over recyclage en verwijdering Veiligheidsinstructies en waarschuwingenAlgemene veiligheidsinstructies Vernietiging van oude electrische apparatenReiniging en onderhoud Droger start niet Problemen oplossenProbleem Mogelijke oorzaken / Oplossing Start en programma’sVoor u de technische dienst belt Technische dienstVergelijkende programma’s Reserveonderdelen
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