Locking the Reset Pin
Locking the Reset Pin disables the panel. See Figure 3. The D9112 ignores the command centers and points while disabled. CALL FOR SERVICE appears in command center displays while the pin is locked down.
Existing reports transmitted with Reset Pin locked down: Any reports that are in the panel’s report buffer when you lock down the Reset Pin, will be transmitted. However, no new reports can be created with the pin locked down.
To prevent buffered reports from being transmitted, momentarily close the Reset Pin, wait for the buzzer to stop sounding, and then lock the pin down to prevent new reports from being generated.
Locking Reset Speeds Programming: If you have supervised command centers or other supervised devices connected to the Data Bus (terminals 30 and 31), locking the Reset Pin will speed communication between the panel and the D5200.
locked in the disable position.
You can program the panel while it is locked in the disable position with either the D5200 or D5300 (RAM II) programmers. If you place the reset pin in the disable position with one or more areas disarmed, there must be an entry in the Answer Disarmed program item to use RAM II.
If you place the reset pin in the disable position when all areas are armed, there must be an entry in the
Operation Monitor
Pulses When Normal
Flickers When Ringing
Reset Pin
Disable All Except Battery
Charging and Local Programming
Answer Armed program item. See RAM Parameters in the
D9112 Program Entry Guide
Figure 3: Reset Pin
Releasing the reset pin from the closed position resets the panel. The panel resets all its timers, counters, indexes, and buffers.
Changes to some program parameters require a reset before they become effective: Radionics recommends that you reset the panel after changing program parameters with the D5200 programmer. The D5300 (RAM II) programmer prompts you for a "RESET BYE" when a program change requires that the panel be reset.
Lock the Reset Pin Now
Locking the pin in the disable position allows you to power up the panel and charge the battery as you install the detection devices and command centers. Lock the pin down now.
| D9112 | Operation & Installation Manual |
| © 1993 Radionics | ||
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