Bosch Appliances D9112 installation manual Troubleshooting Guide, Self Diagnostics

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Troubleshooting Guide


Radionics provides this guide to help you troubleshoot problems with the D9112. To prevent problems from occurring, read the preceding sections of this manual and the program entry guide to verify that the panel is correctly installed and programmed.

Self Diagnostics

The D9112 performs a series of self diagnostic tests of its hardware, software, and program at start up and reset.

Buzzer sounding is normal at start-up:The on-board buzzer located on the lower right corner of the panel sounds as the D9112 performs its self diagnostic tests at start up and reset. The tests take approximately ten seconds. If all tests are competed successfully, the buzzer turns off.

The panel continues periodic internal testing during normal operation. If a fault is detected during this testing the buzzer begins sounding . One of the system messages listed below displays at the command centers.

CALL FOR SERVICE - Trouble at Command Center

When a command center stops receiving data from the panel, CALL FOR SERVICE appears in the command center's display. No buzzer sounds at the command center.

PANEL BROKEN - Hardware, Software Failed

If a hardware or software problem causes the buzzer to sound, the green operation monitor LED stops flickering or is off. PANEL BROKEN appears in the displays of all command centers.

Pressing CMD 4 does not silence the buzzer. You must return the panel to Radionics for repair. Attach a Radionics Return Tag or call Customer Service for a return authorization.

PARAM FAIL - Program Parameters Failed

If a corrupted program causes the buzzer to sound, the green operation monitor LED continues to flicker. See Operation Monitor LED in the Telephone Connections section for a description of the green LED. PARAM FAIL alternates with the idle text at the command centers. The panel sends a PARAM FAIL report to the receiver.

Pressing CMD 4 may silence the buzzer.

Silencing the buzzer does not correct the problem: You must replace the corrupted copy of the program in the panel. Load a new copy of the complete program.

The displays clears when you reset the panel after loading a new program.


D9112 Operation & Installation Manual


74-06144-000-C 2/96

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© 1993-1996 Radionics

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Contents D I O N I C S FCC Notices Part74-06144-000-C 2/96 Table of Contents Current Rating Chart for Programmer and Accessory ConnectionsInstallation Guide for UL and Fire Applications Standby Battery Calculation forD8128A OctoPOPIT Switch Settings Figures and TablesIntroduction PointsAreas and Accounts D1255 Alpha III Command CenterKeyswitch CommunicatorEMI/Lightning Transient Protection Event MemoryEvent Log ProgrammingOther Features Ordered Separately D9112 Control/Communicator AssemblyD9112 Assembly Literature PackBurglary Listings and ApprovalsFire Factory Mutual FMBefore You Begin InstallationBeginning the Installation Enclosure OptionsPremises Wiring Connecting Earth Ground TerminalInstalling the D9112 Assembly Locking the Reset Pin Lock the Reset Pin NowInstall and Wire Detection Devices Finishing the InstallationCharge the Battery as You Finish Install Modules and RelaysPower Up Install the Point Chart LabelConnect the On-Board Points and Command Centers Programming the PanelTesting the System Primary AC Power Circuit Power SupplyPrimary Power Terminals Installing the TransformerInstalling the Battery Secondary Power TerminalsSecondary DC Power Battery SupervisionFloat Charge Battery Charging CircuitBattery Discharge/Recharge Schedule No AC Power Discharge CycleLow Battery LED Red Charging Status and Low Battery LEDsCharging Status LED Yellow Available Power Power OutputsCircuit Protection Continuous Current Draw Continuous Power Outputs TerminalsAccessory Connector J2 Expansion Port J4Programming Programmable Power Outputs TerminalsRelay Installation Optional Relays RequiredTerminals 6 Available PowerVerification/Reset Relay TerminalNotification Telephone ConnectionsRegistration LocationOperation Monitor LED Green Phone Cord ConnectionPhone LED Red Dialing FormatRelay Installation Ground StartDescription D128 Dual Phone Line SwitcherGround Start Jumper OperationInstalling the D128 Watchdog FeaturePrimary Phone Lines, Primary Phone Numbers Primary Fail LED AC Power LEDD128 Status LEDs Secondary Fail LEDDescription Terminals 11 to On-Board PointsPoint Sensor Loops Point Parameters Point Response TimePoint Zonex Buss Terminals 23 to Off-Board PointsD8125 Popex Module D8127 Popit Modules Listings Installing the D8125 Popex ModuleWiring the D8125 to the D9112 MountingZonex D9112D8125 +UP to 63 Point PointsWiring POPITs to the Data Expansion Loop Data Expansion Loop Wire SpecificationsWiring Data Expansion Loops to Popex Modules Popit Sensor LoopsPoint Assignments D9112 Program Record SheetVertical Grid for Popex #1 Popit LabelsD8128A OctoPOPIT Module Installing the OctoPOPITListing Wiring OctoPOPITs to the D9112 D8128A OctoPOPITsLine Termination Point Assignment Switches Sensor Loop SwitchesOctoPOPIT Sensor Loops D9112 Point # Sensor LoopTesting Off-board Points D8129 OctoRelay Configuring the D8129 OctoRelayOff-board Relays Relay OutputsD8129 Switch Settings Installation Wiring ConnectionsD811 Arm Status Relay Module Relay OutputD811 Module Wiring Arming Devices D1255 Command Centers Terminals 29 toD1255 Address Settings DescriptionD9112 Command Center Terminal Function Wire Color D1255 ConnectionsPower at Command Centers D9112Momentary Contact Keyswitch OperationMaintained Contact Silencing the BellProgrammer and Accessory Connections Programmer Connector J7Programmer Access Reports Accessory Connector J2Expansion Port J4 D9112 Quick Reference Terminal Description Terminal Name DescriptionInstallation Guide for UL and Fire Applications Burglary Applications IntroductionOptional Compatible Equipment Fire ApplicationsFire Applications Enclosures System Chart D129 Class aSystem Wiring Diagram, Issue a Total a = Total B = Total C 1 = Current Rating Chart for Standby Battery CalculationsCurrents shown in milliamperes 1 ampere=1000 milliamperes Remote Station or Auxiliary Fire Alarm Standby Battery RequirementsCentral Station or Local Fire Alarm Household Burglary and Commercial BurglaryCurrent Chart First Central Station or Local SystemsRemote Station or Auxiliary Systems Household Fire Ampere-Hour Calculation FormulaCall for Service Trouble at Command Center Troubleshooting GuideSelf Diagnostics Panel Broken Hardware, Software FailedServc Batt Msing Battery Missing, Shorted, or Reversed Servc AC Fail AC Power FailedServc Batt LOW Battery Voltage Low Servc Keypad Supervised Command Center MissingSymptom Diagnosis Remedy Phone Line TroubleCommunications Failure Problems Programming the Panel Zonex BUSProblems with Points See Problems with Data Expansion LoopSymptom Diagnosis Remedy Symptom Diagnosis Remedy Problems with the D8125 Popex Data Expansion Loops Metering the LoopsEMI on Long Wire Runs Checking Shielded CableProblems with Command Centers NCI #1, #40Watchdog Reset Reports Battery and Power ReportsRunaway Reports to the Receiver Overloaded Power Supply Service Walk Test Service Walk ? Command 5 9 Shows Firmware Revision Command 5 7 Toggles Default Idle TextPress Command 5 Specifications Telephone Connections Compatible AccessoriesSDI Bus Environmental