Phone Cord Connection
Connect one end of a D161 (8') or D162 (2') Telephone Cord to the D9112 TELCO Cord connector, J3, located on the bottom left corner of the D9112. See Figure 7. Connect the other end to the RJ31X jack.
Phone LED (Red)
The red Phone LED lights when the panel seizes the phone line and remains lit until the panel returns the phone line. See Figure 7 for the location of the red LED.
Operation Monitor LED (Green)
The green LED indicates the operation of the CPU (Central Processing Unit). When the CPU is operating normally, the LED flashes 0.5 second on, 0.5 second off.
The green LED also serves as a ring indicator. See Figure 7 for the location of the LED. When there is ring voltage on the phone line (the phone is ringing), the green LED flickers at a faster rate for the duration of each ring. Ring voltage must reach a minimum of 45 VAC before the D9112 detects it.
Dialing Format
You can program the D9112 to use DTMF or pulse dialing. See Phone Parameters in the D9112 Program Entry Guide
Phone Line Monitor
The D9112 panel has a
If the monitor senses trouble, it starts a programmable phone line trouble timer. The timer continues to run as long as the monitor senses trouble. It resets to zero when the panel senses a normal line. If the timer reaches the delay time in the Phone Supervision program item, it begins a phone line trouble response. Programming determines what the response is. See Phone Parameters in the D9112 Program Entry Guide
The panel stops monitoring the phone line during its phone line trouble response. If the response includes sending a report, the panel does not resume monitoring until the report is acknowledged or it goes into communication failure.
Bad line may test OK: The telephone line monitor uses voltage and current levels to test the status of the phone line. In some instances a given telephone line may be out of service without affecting the voltage on the line. The phone line monitor can not recognize this trouble condition.
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