Ski IA-64 Simulator Reference Manual 1.0L
D | Simulator Status and Error Messages |
The following is a description of some of the status and error messages which can be produced by the simulator. “Fault” and “Trap” messages are usually the result of a program trying to do something that, under Linux, would cause a signal to be generated.
The “%” constructs are printf() substitutions. Where “%s” appears, a string will be substituted in the error message at runtime. Where “%llx” appears, a
All breakpoints deleted
You executed the bD command. Ski is confirming that it has deleted all the breakpoints. This is a status message, not an error message. See “Deleting Program Breakpoints” on page
All breakpoints in use
You tried to set a breakpoint but all ten are in use. Use the bl command to list them and then the bd or bD commands to free up some for you to use. See “Setting Program Breakpoints” on page
Assignment failed
You tried to use the =1, =2, =4, =8, or =s commands to write data to an invalid location. Ski creates new pages of memory when the simulated program needs them; Ski will not create new pages in response to the assignment com- mands. See “Changing Registers and Memory with Assignment Commands” on page
Bad breakpoint number. (Use 0-9)
You tried to specify a breakpoint but used an invalid specifier. There are ten breakpoints, numbered 0 through 9. See “Deleting Program Breakpoints” on page
Break instruction fault
Breakpoint already set at that location
You tried to set a breakpoint at an address where there already is a breakpoint. Your request is ignored; Ski will not set two breakpoints at one address. See “Setting Program Breakpoints” on page
Breakpoint #%d at %s (%s) deleted
You used the bd command to delete a specific breakpoint. Ski is confirming that it has deleted the breakpoint. This is a status message, not an error message. See “Deleting Program Breakpoints” on page
Breakpoint (IA-64) at %s
Breakpoint (IA-32) at %s
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