Ski IA-64 Simulator Reference Manual 1.0L

Not an IA-64 file

See “File size > Memory size” on page D-3.

Nothing to run

No program has been loaded. Use the load, iaload, or romload command, depending on what kind of program you want to simulate or load an IA-64 program by naming it on Ski’s command line. See “Program Loading” on page 6-3.

Out of memory

Ski needed to get more memory to run but couldn’t get it. You need more virtual memory swap space or you’ve found a Ski defect. See your local Linux specialist.

Page not allocated

When Ski loads an IA-64 application-mode program, Ski allocates pages for the fixed-size parts of the program and allocates a small stack. As the program runs, Ski allows the stack to grow. If the program tries to access a page which isn’t in one of those areas, Ski detects the error and prints the message. The most likely cause is a wild pointer. See “Application-ModeIA-64 Programs” on page 6-1.

Pager %s not found

You executed a ski command that sends output through a pager and there was a problem. Did you set the PAGER environment variable to point to a program that’s not reachable through your PATH shell variable? Did you set the PAGER variable to point to a non-executable program? If your pager is on a remote file system, is there a problem with accessing that system? Did your pager program return a failure status for some reason? If none of these reasons is applicable, you may have found a Ski defect. See “Other Windows” on page 3-14.

popen failed

A call to the Linux system routine popen() failed, that is, a -1 was returned from the call. This is unusual and, while it doesn’t indicate an internal Ski error, it may suggest that your Linux operating system is corrupt, perhaps due to some other program. ski uses popen() when it needs to invoke a pager to display a large amount of text to you, for example, when you use the help and symlist commands. The popen() function might fail if you have the maxi- mum allowed number of processes running on your computer or if you have run out of swap space.

Privileged operation fault

Your IA-64 application-mode program tried to execute a privileged instruction. This can only happen for applica- tion-mode programs; system-mode programs handle this fault through the interruption mechanism. See Chapter 6, “Program Simulation” and “Interruptions” on page 7-1.

Privileged register fault

Your IA-64 application-mode program tried to access a privileged register. This can only happen for application- mode programs; system-mode programs handle this fault through the interruption mechanism. See Chapter 6, “Pro- gram Simulation” and “Interruptions” on page 7-1.

program exited with status %d

Your IA-64 program finished execution in the normal fashion. This is a status message, not an error message.

Register NaT Consumption fault

Your IA-64 application-mode program tried to reference the contents of a register that didn’t contain a valid value. This can only happen for application-mode programs; system-mode programs handle this fault through the interrup- tion mechanism. See Chapter 6, “Program Simulation” and “Interruptions” on page 7-1.

D-6 Simulator Status and Error Messages

Copyright © 2000 Hewlett-Packard Co.

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HP Ski Simulator manual Not an IA-64 file