Quick Reference Guide | 6 Maintaining Your System | |
Adding Lines, Pools, and Extensions
As your business grows or changes, so do your needs for your PARTNER ACS. As you upgrade to newer releases, you must program for new features. As you expand, you can add lines, pools, and extensions to your system.
If you replace a module with a different type, be sure you check the telephone and line connections and verify system and telephone programming. In many cases, you may need to rearrange the connections and/or change telephone or system programming.
Adding New Lines
How you add new lines to the system depends upon the type of extension you are adding them to.
Key Extensions
You can add individual lines to pooled extensions or add new lines to key extensions (all extensions in Key mode; in Hybrid mode, extension 10 and any extensions set to Key by using Line Access Mode (#301) are key extensions.)
If you add a line to your system, you may need to adjust some line settings:
•Dial Mode (#201) if the new line is a rotary line
•Line Assignment (#301) to assign the line to specific extensions
•Line Ringing (Centralized Telephone Programming) to specify when the line starts ringing at each extension that has the line
•Line Access Restriction (#302) to limit an extension’s access to the line
Adding Lines, Pools, and Extensions 83