Index | 3000ZA | |
relay connections, 22 relay contacts, 22
range ID contact, 6
range ID relay contacts, 25 range identification, 2 RANGE key, 28 readout, 4
rear panel, 5, 15
rear panel removal, 54 recovery, 49
remote calibration connections. See calibration
remote probe, 6
remote probe connections, 23 remote valve, 22
reset latched alarm, 45 response time, 17, 57, 61 restrictor, 15. See flow restriction
device restrictor kit, 62 ROM, 2, 9
routine maintenance, 51
sample system, 7, 8, 55 second stage amplifier, 10 self diagnostic test
initiating, 36
zirconium oxide sensor, 57 sensor operating temperature, 10 sensor removal, 51
serial number, iii serial port, 2
setpoint. See alarm, setpoint setpoint units, 45
setting ranges, 46 show negative, 28 SHOW NEGATIVE, 30
signal processing, 9 slope, 39, 40, 42, 43 software version, 28 solenoid valve, 6
span calibration. See calibration, span span failure, 43
span flow rate, 61
span gas concentration, 38 SPAN key, 28
span settling, 41 spare parts, 59 specifications, 57 stability indicator, 43 standby button, 5 subsystems, 7 symbols, iv system alarm, 40 system function, 30 SYSTEM key, 28 Teledyne address, 59 testing the system, 25 tracking oxygen readings, 31 TRAK/HLD, 30 troubleshooting, 55 unpacking the analyzer, 13 unpressurized sample, 62 vacuum fluorescent display, 1, 4 vacuum pump, 62
vacuum service, 15, 62 VCR fittings, 8 vent, 61
version, 37 VERSION, 30 VFD display, 55 voltage output, 18 warning sign, v warranty, ii water vapor, 9 web address, 59 website address, vi
zero calibration. See calibration, zero ZERO key, 28
zero settling, 39, 40
zirconium oxide sensor, 5, 7, 54, 55, 57.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments