Reference Manual
Rosemount 4500
Rerange with a HART Communicator Only
Fast Keys
1, 2, 3, 1, 1
The easiest way to rerange is to use the HART Communicator only. This method changes the values of the analog 4 and 20 mA points independently without a pressure input.
From the HOME screen, enter the fast key sequence for “Rerange with a Communicator Only.”
1.At “Keypad Input” select 1 and use the keypad to enter lower range value.
2.From “Keypad Input” select 2 and use the key pad to enter upper range value.
Rerange with a Pressure Input Source and HART Communicator
Fast Keys
1, 2, 3, 1, 2
Reranging using the HART Communicator and a pressure source or process pressure allows reranging the transmitter when specific 4 and 20 mA points are unknown.
The span is maintained when the 4 mA point is set. The span changes when the 20 mA point is set. If the lower range point is set to a value that causes the upper range point to exceed the sensor limit, the upper range point is automatically set to the sensor limit, and the span is adjusted accordingly.
1.From the HOME screen, enter the fast key sequence for “Rerange with a Pressure Input Source and a HART Communicator” to configure lower and upper range values and follow the
Rerange with a Pressure Input Source and the
Local Zero and Span buttons (option D1)
The transmitter may be reranged using the local zero and span adjustments and a pressure source.
1.Using a pressure source with an accuracy three to ten times the desired calibrated accuracy, apply a pressure equivalent to the lower range value to the transmitter.
2.Push and hold the zero adjustment button for at least two seconds but no longer than ten seconds.
3.Apply a pressure equivalent to the upper range value to the transmitter.
4.Push and hold the span adjustment button for at least two seconds but no longer than ten seconds.