Braun LS 5560 manual Cleaning, Keeping your Braun Silk&Soft in top shape

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Cleaning the shaver head with the brush (D1)

Press the release buttons to remove the shaver head. Tap the bottom of the shaver head gently on a flat surface (not on the foil).

Brush out the cutter block and the inside of the shaver head. However, do not clean the shaver foil with the brush as this may damage the foil.

Cleaning the shaver head under running water (D2)

The shaver head is suitable for cleaning under running tap water. Warning: Detach the shaver from the power supply before cleaning the shaver head in water.

Press the release buttons to remove the shaver head.

Rinse the shaver head and the cutter block separately under warm running water. A natural based soap may also be used provided it contains no particles or abrasive substances. Rinse off all foam.

Leave the cutter block and the shaver foil to dry separately.

How to clean and maintain the Skin Smoothing attachment

To clean the Skin Smoothing attachment (6), first remove it (E), then thoroughly brush out the smoothing pad (6a). From time to time, you may also clean it with soapy water. Let it dry before using it again.

A spare smoothing pad (6b) is included for replacement.

Keeping your Braun Silk&Soft in top shape

The shaving parts need to be lubricated regularly every 3 months (F).

If you clean the shaver head under running water, lubricate it after each cleaning.

Apply some light machine oil or vaseline to the shaver foil and the metal parts of the long hair trimmer. Then remove the shaver head and also apply a tiny amount of vaseline as shown in picture section (F).

The shaver foil and the cutter block are precision parts that wear out with time. To maintain optimum shaving perform- ance, replace your foil and cutter block when you notice a reduced shaving performance.

Do not shave with a damaged foil or cord.

How to replace the shaving parts Shaver foil: Press the release buttons to remove the shaver head. To remove the shaver foil, press the blue plastic frame (G). To mount a new one, insert it from inside the shaver head.

Cutter block: To remove the cutter block, press and turn it 90° (H1), then take it off. To put on a new cutter block, press it onto the cutter block holder and turn 90° (H2).

Replacements parts (shaver foil, cutter block, smoothing pad) can be obtained from your retailer or Braun Customer Service Centres.

Charging holder

Your Braun Silk&Soft comes with a practical charging holder (9) which is also very useful for leaving the shaving parts to dry. When you insert the appliance with the switch facing the holder and the Bikini zone trim attachment placed on the head, it snaps into the holder for convenient transport.

Preserving the rechargeable batteries In order to maintain the optimum capacity of the rechargeable batteries, the shaver


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Contents Silk&Soft 00 800 Brauninfoline Braun Infolines 00 800 27 28 64B c d Page Wichtig DeutschBeschreibung AufladenRasieren und Stylen im Achselbereich und in der Bikini-Zone RasierenBeinrasur mit dem Skin Smoothing Aufsatz So halten Sie Ihren Braun Silk&Soft in Bestform ReinigungGarantie GerätehalterAkku-Pflege UmweltschutzCharging EnglishDescription Shaving and styling the underarm and bikini area When you are finishedShaving Shaving your legs with the Skin Smoothing attachmentKeeping your Braun Silk&Soft in top shape CleaningFor UK only GuaranteeEnvironmental notice Chargement FrançaisRasage des zones sensibles les aisselles et le bikini Rasage des jambes avec l’accessoire peau douceRasage Nettoyage de la tête du rasoir avec la brosse D1 Comment nettoyer l’accessoire douceurNettoyage Prolongez la vie de votre rasoir Silk&Soft de BraunPréservez vos batteries Porte-chargeImportante EspañolDescripcion Proceso de cargaDepilando tus piernas con el Accesorio para suavizar la piel DepilaciónComo limpiar y mantener el accesorio para suavizar la piel LimpiezaLimpiando el cabezal de corte con el cepillo de limpieza D1 Limpiando el cabezal de corte debajo del agua del grifo D2Garantía Soporte cargadorSolo para España PortuguêsDescrição Depilação por corte Carregamento da bateriaLimpeza da cabeça de corte com água corrente D2 LimpezaApós a depilação Limpeza da cabeça de corte com a escova de limpeza D1Suporte para o Carregador Mantenha a sua depiladora Braun Silk&Soft em óptimo estadoComo limpar e manter o acessório para suavizar a pele Só para Portugal ItalianoDescrizione GarantiaUtilizzo RicaricaPulizia Mantenere in buone condizioni le batterie ricaricabili Come mantenere Braun Silk&Soft in perfetta formaSupporto di ricarica Garanzia Belangrijk NederlandsBeschrijving OpladenScheren en stylen van oksels en bikinilijn ScherenUw benen scheren met het huidverzachtende opzetstuk Uw Braun Silk&Soft in topconditie houden SchoonmakenOplaad houder Vigtigt DanskBeskrivelse OpladningNår du er færdig BarberingBarber dine ben med Skin Smoothing- tilbehøret Barbering og styling af underarme og bikiniområdetRengør barberhovedet under rindende vand D2 RengøringHold din Braun Silk&Soft BodyShave i topform Rengør barberhovedet med børsten D1Garanti Viktig NorskLading Når du er ferdig RengjøringBarbere bena med Skin Smoothing- tilbehøret Barbering og styling av armhulene og bikinilinjenHold din Braun Silk&Soft BodyShave i toppform Viktigt SvenskaBeskrivning Raka dina ben med Skin Smoothing- tillbehöret LaddningRakning Håll din Braun Silk&Soft i topptrim RengöringLaddningsställ Tärkeää SuomiLaitteen osat LataaminenKun olet valmis AjaminenSäärien ajaminen Skin Smoothing -lisäosalla Kainaloiden ja bikinialueen ajaminen ja muotoiluBraun Silk&Softin pitäminen huippukunnossa PuhdistaminenWażne PolskiOpis TakuuGolenie ŁadowanieCzyszczenie głowicy golarki przy pomocy szczoteczki D1 CzyszczenieGolenie nóg przy pomocy nasadki wygładzającej Po goleniuUżytkowanie akumulatorów KonserwacjaCzyszczenie i konserwacja nasadki wygładzającej Uchwyt do ładowaniaWarunki gwarancji Upozornění ČeskýPopis NabíjeníPo skončení holení HoleníHolení nohou s použitím peelingového nástavce Udržení strojku Braun Silk&Soft ve špičkové formě ČištěníZáruka Upozornenie SlovenskýNabíjanie Holenie a úprava podpazušia a oblasti bikín HolenieHolenie nôh s použitím peelingového nástavca Udržanie strojčeka Braun Silk&Soft v špičkovej forme ČistenieZáruka Fontos MagyarLeírás TöltésHónalj és a bikini vonal szőrtelenítése és a formázása BorotválkozásLábszőrtelenítés a Skin Smoothing feltéttel Borotva fej tisztítása kefével D1 TisztításHogyan tartsa csúcsformában a Braun Silk&Soft készülékét Szőrtelenítés utánGarancia Töltő tartóPomembna opozorila SlovenskiPolnjenje Po koncu britja BritjeBritje nog z nastavkom za glajenje kože Vzdrževanje brivnika Braun Silk&Soft ČiščenjeVarovanje okolja Ohranjanje kapacitete baterijVažno HrvatskiPunjenje Brijanje i friziranje područja pazuha i bikini zone BrijanjeBrijanje nogu nastavkom Skin Smoothing Održavanje vašeg Braun Silk&Sft u vrhunskom stanju ČišćenjeOdržavanje punjivih baterija Držač za punjenjeΠροσοχή ΠεριγραφήΦόρτιση Ξύρισμα ποδιών με το εξάρτημα για λείο δέρμα ΞύρισμαΠώς να καθαρίζετε την ξυριστική κεφαλή με το βουρτσάκι D1 Καθαρισμός∂ÁÁ‡ËÛË Βάση ΦόρτισηςПредупреждение ОписаниеБритье Зарядка бритвыЧистка бреющей головки при помощи щеточки D1 ЧисткаПо окончании Чистка бреющей головки под струей воды D2 Уход за Вашей бритвой Braun Silk&SoftBraun Чехол для зарядкиË„Ë̇θÌ˚ ‰ÂÚ‡ÎË ÙËÏ˚ Braun Важливо УкраїнськаОпис ЗарядкаГоління та оформлення пахв та області бікіні ГолінняГоління ніг з насадкою для згладжування шкіри Чищення бритвеної головки під проточною водою D2 ЧищенняПісля гоління Чищення бритвеної головки щіткою D1Зберігання акумуляторів Зарядний пристрій‡‡ÌÚ¥ÈÌ¥ ÁÓ·Ó‚’flÁ‡ÌÌfl Ù¥ÏË Çraun