daily | monthly | maintenance task/response |
| Check the Status Indicator. | |
| If you see the flashing black hourglass: The FR2+ is |
| ready to use. No action required. |
| If you see anything other than a flashing black |
| hourglass, remove and reinstall the battery to run the |
| selftest. |
•If the selftest passes and the Status Indicator shows the flashing black hourglass, the FR2+ is ready to use.
•If the selftest fails, install a new battery and run the selftest. If the selftest passes, the FR2+ is ready to use. If the selftest fails, contact Philips Medical Systems.
Check supplies, accessories, and spares for damage and expiration dating.
Do not use damaged or expired accessories. Replace them immediately.
If a LOW BATTERY or REPLACE BATTERY message is displayed: Replace the battery and run the selftests.
STANDARD BATTERY. It is not rechargeable. The M3848A FR2+ battery is rechargeable. Recharge it, using the M3849A Charger, for the FR2+ rechargeable battery only.
Check the outside of the FR2+ and the connector socket for cracks or other signs of damage.
If you see signs of damage: Contact Philips Medical Systems for technical support.
After Using the HeartStart FR2+
After each use of the FR2+, perform the maintenance tasks described in the table above, as well as the following
Check the operation of the FR2+ by removing and reinstalling the battery and running the battery insertion selftest. N O T E : Perform also when replacing expired defibrillator pads.
Check the outside of the FR2+ and the connector socket for signs of dirt or contamination. If the FR2+ is dirty or contaminated, clean it according to the guidelines provided in this manual.
Check the data card if one has been used. If the data card has been used to record incident data, remove and replace it with a blank data card. Deliver the recorded data card to appropriate personnel according to your local guidelines and medical protocol.
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