parameter | settings | default | description |
NSA action | MONITOR, | MONITOR | Sets how the FR2+ behaves following a NO SHOCK |
(minutes) | 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, |
| ADVISED (NSA) decision: |
| 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 |
| MONITOR — directs the FR2+ to monitor the patient’s |
| |
| ECG following an NSA decision and to prompt the user |
| periodically to provide CPR. The interval for CPR |
| prompting is set by the Monitor Prompt Interval. |
| TIME SETTING — directs the FR2+ to provide a CPR |
| pause period following an NSA decision (NSA CPR |
| Pause). |
| • If no shocks have been delivered in the current Shock |
| Series (e.g., the patient’s initial monitored rhythm is |
| |
| by the NSA Action time setting. |
| • If shocks have been delivered in the current Shock |
| Series (e.g., the NSA decision follows a shock), the |
| length of the CPR pause is instead defined by the CPR |
| Timer setting. |
CPR prompt | LONG, SHORT | LONG | Sets the level of detail provided in the CPR reminder voice |
| prompts provided at the completion of a Shock Series. |
| LONG — provides detailed coaching to check airway, |
| breathing, and pulse before beginning CPR. |
| SHORT — simply directs user to begin CPR if needed. |
monitor prompt | 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, | 1.0 | Sets the interval for patient care prompts provided during |
interval | 2.5, 3.0, |
| FR2+ monitoring of the patient’s ECG following an NSA |
(minutes) | ∞ (infinite) |
| decision. Selection of ∞ (infinite) means that no repeat | 6 |
| prompting will be provided during ECG monitoring. | |
P hili ps Me dical Sy stems
Setup and Advanced Mode Features