Toshiba CTX manual Call Forward Examples, Call Forward Procedure Feature Button Sequence

Page 47

Advanced Operation

Call Forward

Call Forward Examples

To set your telephone to CF Busy-No Answer to an internal extension number

Press your extension button + ￿￿￿￿￿ + ￿￿￿￿ + ￿￿

￿￿￿￿￿￿= Call Forward Access Code sequence

￿￿￿￿￿= Internal Extension Number

￿￿￿= Ring time in seconds before Call Forwards

To set another telephone to CF Busy-No Answer to an outside destination number after a set time

Press your extension button + ￿￿￿￿￿ +￿￿￿￿￿ + ￿￿￿￿￿+ ￿￿+ ￿￿+￿￿￿￿￿￿

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ + ￿ +￿￿￿

￿￿￿￿￿￿= CF Busy No Answer Access Code sequence

￿￿￿￿= Other telephone’s extension number

￿￿￿￿￿= CF Passcode for other telephone￿+ ￿

￿= Outside Line Access Code

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿= 1 + Area Code + Telephone Number

￿￿= Must press after entering an outside destination number

￿￿￿= Ring time in seconds before Call Forwards

Table 2 Call Forward Procedure


Button Sequence

Call Forward Any Call - Internal and Incoming Line Calls:

Forwards any call, whether an internal call or incoming line call.

All Calls to an ext.

Press ext. button +

(tone) + dial the dest. ext. no. (tone)




All Calls to outside

Press ext. button +

(tone) + outside line access code + dest.

telephone no.

telephone no. + (tone)





Busy to an ext.

Press ext. button +

(tone) + dial the dest. ext. no. (tone)




Busy to outside

Press ext. button +

(tone) + outside line access code + dest.

telephone no.

telephone no. + ￿￿(tone)





No Answer to an ext.

Press ext. button +

(tone) + dial the dest. ext. no. + timer (￿￿~￿￿)







No Answer to outside

Press ext. button + ￿￿￿￿￿(tone)￿+ outside line access code + dest.

telephone no.

telephone no. + ￿￿(tone) + timer (￿￿~￿￿) (tone)




Strata CTX DKT/IPT Telephone 11/03


Image 47
Contents DKT/IPT Telephone User Guide Publication Information Toshiba America Information SYSTEMS, INC. Tais Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc Contents Advanced Operation Iii DKT3014 LCD Features Appendix a Centrex Application Appendix C IPT1020-SD Settings Organization IntroductionConventions How to Use This GuideSee Figure Related Documents/MediaIntroduction DKT3000-series Telephones Grand TourGrand Tour Liquid Crystal Display Fixed ButtonsFlexible Buttons DKT2000-series Telephones IPT1020-SD TelephonesDKT2020-SD Telephone Line Buttons What’s My Line? BasicsImportant Read First Which Outgoing/Incoming Call Features Do I Have? Handset Making a CallHot Dialing Spkr ButtonHandsfree Answerback Switching Between Handset and SpeakerphoneAnswering a Call SpeakerResponding to a Lit Msg LED Message WaitingTurning On/Off MW LED on Another Extension MicrophoneTo perform Call Transfer Immediate Call TransferTo transfer a call directly to Voice Mail VM To hold a conference call Conference CallsTo conference calls To transfer conference controlAdding Voice Mail to a Conference Connecting Two Outside LinesTo Split from a conference Conference Split/Join/DropTo Drop the Split party from a conference Consultation Hold HoldExclusive Hold Automatic HoldTo adjust handset Beep Tone Volume ControlLCD Contrast Adjustments To adjust the handset volumeLCD Contrast Adjustments Advanced Operation Using Your LCDLine Soft KeysSoft Key Example To clear the registered message Advisory MessagesTo set an advisory message Forced Account Codes To dial using Forced Account CodesAccount Code Calls Verified/Non-Verified Account CodesVoluntary Account Codes Verified/Non-Verified To dial using the Account Code buttonTo enter an Account Code using access codes To activate Automatic Busy Redial To cancel Automatic Busy RedialAutomatic Busy Redial To set Automatic Callback To cancel ACBAutomatic Callback To change the BGM source 1~15 assigned to the BGM button To enable background music on your telephone speakerTo cancel background music on your telephone speaker Background MusicStation Call ForwardSystem Station Call Forward Categories Call Forward SettingsTo use the Call Forward button sequence Station Call Forward ProceduresCall Forward Examples Call Forward Procedure Feature Button SequenceCall Forward Procedure Feature Button Sequence Advanced Operation An ext To view Call History Call HistoryCall Park Orbits To retrieve a parked call Call PickupGroup Pickup To park a callTo perform Call Pickup Ringing, Page or Held Call PickupTo answer a waiting call by placing the current call on hold Call WaitingTo connect directly to another station’s extension Direct Inward System Access DisaDirect Station Selection Buttons Hotline To set distinctive ringing CTX software R1.3 or higher Distinctive RingingTo set distinctive ringing CTX software R1.2 or lower To deactivate DND Do Not DisturbTo activate DND on your Primary extension To activate DND on a non-Primary extensionDoor Locks Setting DND for Another ExtensionTo answer a door phone call Door PhonesTo call/monitor a door phone Echo CancellationEmergency Call Emergency Monitoring StationTo change the Language Display Emergency RingdownLanguage Codes Microphone Cut-OffTo answer a Speaker OCA call Off-hook Call AnnounceTo make an OCA call To answer a Handset OCA callTo use Busy Override Override CallsBusy Override Do Not Disturb OverrideTo use Destination Restriction or Traveling Class Override Executive OverrideDestination Restriction/Traveling Class Override To perform Executive OverridePrivacy Override Class of Service OverrideTo perform Class of Service Override PagingTo make an All Call Answering aAll Call EmergencyTo use Privacy Release To set/cancel PrivacyPrivacy RedialSpeed Dial Making a Call Using Speed DialTo access the SD directories Accessing System SD and Personal SD DirectoriesDKT3014-SDL Name Storage Advanced Speed Dial OperationTo change Tone Dialing Tone/Pulse DialingVoice Mail Soft Keys Voice Mail Direct TransferAccept Soft Keys for CTX Digital Telephones Next Name Security Code To record a call Call RecordingPause/Resume Recording Other Voice Mail FeaturesDKT3014 LCD Features Direct Station Selection Directory and Speed Dial ListingsInternal Directory and External Directory System Speed Dial and Personal Speed DialTo assign Station Speed Dial names Storing Personal Speed Dial NamesPress 6SGLDO. The Speed Dial name is now programmed DKT3014 LCD Features User Programming Programming Feature ButtonsFlexible Button Codes User Programming ModeFeature Code Setting/Changing a Flexible Button’s FunctionChanging a One Touch Button One Touch ButtonsTo Use a One Touch Button Setting/Changing a Personal Speed Dial CodeFeature Codes Feature Access Codes Feature Access Code Sequences1 Messaging Advisory 6SGLDO4+QQQ LED LED Indicator DetailsDADM/DSS Console Buttons and LEDs DadmDSS Buttons DSS ConsoleTo transfer a call to an idle station Calling a StationTransferring to an Idle Station To transfer call to a busy station Call Transfer with Camp-onCall Answering Outside Line Speed DialTo override call forward with your DSS Console PagingCall Forward Override DSS Override Night Transfer ButtonRinging Repeat Centrex Feature ButtonsCentrex Application Flexible Directory NumberingDelayed Ringing Definitions Button LabelsLQH 3656 Button Labels IPT1020-SD Settings FB buttons for 10-button phones FB ButtonsFB buttons for 14-button phones IPT-to-IP Network Connection Instructions Initializing the IPT1020-SDManual setting, then press +ROG. Press % Action LCD Indication Remarks IP Telephone Start Up SequenceFB3 IPT1020-SD Function SettingsViewing IPT1020-SD Terminal Information Setting the IPT1020-SD Headset Transmit Volume101 Index102 103 104