Data OFF Operation
The radio can be placed in the data disable state by any of the following methods. When the data state is disabled, the control unit displays "DATA OFF" on the top line. An ongoing data call is allowed to complete except in the case of declaring an emergency.
•Removing the microphone from the hookswitch (hookswitch option must be enabled by
•Declaring an emergency (not to be used unless an actual emergency condition exists). Alert tone will sound.
•Pressing the o button (System Model) or O(Scan Model)
•Selecting the function using the mbutton
•Pressing the ND button (System Model Only)
Data On Operation
The data state is enabled by one of the following (depending on how it was disabled). "DATA ON" will be displayed top line of display for 2 seconds then the display returns to normal.
•Replacing the microphone into the hookswitch (going
•Pressing the ND key toggles data state on or OFF.
•Clearing an emergency but valid only if emergency caused data OFF operation.