Haier ESA424K-L manual Assistanceorservice, IntheU.S.A, InCanada

Page 15


Before calling for assistance or service, please check “Troubleshooting.” It may save you the cost of a service call. If you still need help, follow the instructions below.

When calling, please know the purchase date and the complete model and serial number of your appliance. This information will help us to better respond to your request.

If you need replacement parts

If you need to order replacement parts, we recommend that you XVHRQO\IDFWRU\VSHFL¿HGUHSODFHPHQWSDUWV)DFWRU\VSHFL¿HG UHSODFHPHQWSDUWVZLOO¿WULJKWDQGZRUNULJKWEHFDXVHWKH\DUH made with the same precision used to build every new appliance. 7RORFDWHIDFWRU\VSHFL¿HGUHSODFHPHQWSDUWVLQ\RXUDUHDFDOO your nearest designated service center.

Please record your model’s information.

Whenever you call to request service on your appliance, you need to know your complete model number and serial number.

<RXFDQ¿QGWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHPRGHODQGVHULDOQXPEHU label. See “Electrical Requirements” for the location of the model and serial number label.

Please record the model and serial number information below. Also, record the purchase date of your appliance and the store’s name, address, and telephone number.

Model Number________________________________________

Serial Number ________________________________________

Purchase Date________________________________________

Store Name __________________________________________

Store Address ________________________________________

Store Phone _________________________________________

Keep this book and the sales slip together for future reference.


Visit www.haieramerica.com or call Haier America toll free: 1-877-337-3639.

Our consultants provide assistance with:


ʄInstallation information.

ʄUse and maintenance procedures.

ʄRepair parts sales.

ʄReferrals to repair parts distributors, and service companies. Manufacturer-authorized service technicians are trained to


anywhere in the United States.

For Further Assistance

If you need further assistance, you can write with any questions or concerns to:

Haier America

1356 Broadway

New York, NY 10018

Please include a daytime phone number in your correspondence.


Visit www.haieramerica.com or call Haier America toll free: 1-877-337-3639.

Our consultants provide assistance with:


ʄInstallation information.

ʄUse and maintenance procedures.

ʄRepair parts sales.

ʄReferrals to repair parts distributors, and service companies. Manufacturer-authorized service technicians are trained to


anywhere in the Canada.

For Further Assistance

If you need further assistance, you can write with any questions or concerns to:

Haier America

1356 Broadway

New York, NY 10018

Please include a daytime phone number in your correspondence.


Image 15 Contents
Acondicionadordeaire Parahabitación Tableofcontents ÍndiceTabledesmatières Parts supplied AirconditionersafetyInstallationrequirements ToolsandPartsElectricalRequirements LocationRequirementsInstallationinstructions PrepareAirConditionerforInstallationUnpacktheAirConditioner PrepareWindowforInstallation PositionAirConditionerAssemble Curtain/Top channel Install outer case in window CompleteInstallationReturn chassis to the outer case Mode AirconditioneruseStartingYourAirConditioner Fan SpeedTo see or change the remaining time in hours TemperatureTimer Delay To clear Timer delay program Press ON/OFF to turn on the air conditioner Power Press Mode to choose Fan, Cool, Energy Saver or Dehum SpeedNormalSounds CleaningtheAirFilterAirconditionercare ChangingAirDirectionAir Conditioner TroubleshootingCleaningtheFrontPanel AnnualMaintenanceAir conditioner seems to run too much Water drips from cabinet into your houseCurrent air conditioner replaced an older model. Assistanceorservice IntheU.S.AInCanada Limitedwarranty Piezas suministradas SeguridaddelacondicionadordeaireRequisitosdeinstalación HerramientasypiezasEl cable eléctrico Requisitos de cableado RequisitosdeubicaciónRequisitoseléctricos Instalación en la ventanaPara poner a prueba el cable de suministro de energía InstruccionesdeinstalaciónDesempaqueelacondicionadordeaire Cable de suministro de energíaEnsamble DE LAS Cortinas Y EL Rail Superior PreparacióndelaventanaparalainstalaciónColoqueelacondicionadordeaireensulugar Preparacion de la unidad para la instalaciónNOTAPara hacer que los tornillos sean mis ficil de colocar CompletelainstalaciónInstalacion de la caja exterior en la ventana Coloque la caja en la ventana.baje la haja de la ventanaColoque EL Chasia EN LA Caja Externa Peligro de Choque EléctricoSu lugar Velocidad del ventilador CómousarelacondicionadordeaireCómoponerenmarchasuacondicionadordeaire ModoTemperatura Para despejar el programa de retraso del temporizadorPara ver o cambiar el tiempo restante en horas Timer Temporizador CómousarelcontrolremotoEncendido Cuidadodesuacondicionadordeaire HQFHQGHUiXQDOXYHUGHHQDOJXQRVDSDUDWRV  SolucióndeproblemasEl acondicionador de aire no funciona \VHHQFHQGHUiXQDOXYHUGHHQDOJXQRVDSDUDWRV 6H¿OWUDDJXDGHODFDUFDVDDVXFDVD AyudaoserviciotécnicoEnlosEE.UU EnlosCANADÁGarantíalimitada Page Pièces fournies EXIGENCESD’INSTALLATIONSécuritéduclimatiseur OutillageetpiècesSpécificationsélectriques Exigencesd’emplacementInstallation dans la fenêtre Méthode recommandée de la liaison à la terrePour tester le cordon d’alimentation INSTRUCTIONSD’INSTALLATIONDéballageduclimatiseur Cordon d’alimentationPréparerleclimatiseurpourl’installation Préparationdelafenêtrepourl’installationPositionnementduclimatiseur Installer l’habillage externe dans la fenêtre Acheverl’installationRisque de choc électrique Replacer le boitier dans l’habillage estêrieurDe la fenêtre avec une vis de 31⁄32´SRXU¿HUODIHQrWUH Remarque UtilisationduclimatiseurMiseenmarcheduclimatiseur Fan Speed vitesse du ventilateurPour effacer le programme de durée différée de la minuterie Appuyer sur Timer minuterie. Le témoin lumineux Timer OffLe témoin lumineux Timer On reste allumé TempératurePour régler la mise en marche différée du climatiseur par UtilisationdelatélécommandePower mise sous tension Vitesse du ventilateurEntretienduclimatiseur La température de la pièce à refroidir est extrêmement DépannageLe cordon d’alimentation électrique est débranché. Brancher Ce climatiseur remplace un modèle ancien.Du fait deAssistanceouservice AuxÉtats-UnisAuCanada Garantielimitée
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